17. They Want Our Power.

yesterday i think i need a pike cause there is somethung under the rug sweep it out and find about three worms and termites frim the wood chunks that i left when i threw up that is a small amout of brust but the leaces are actually from a dolia tree i fo not kniw if that is a real tree but it sounds nice like a kilwaskai from bonsai fisher price i want you to go ninety ninety and forget that yoy saw me goodbye like wait that noy the finish and you still have to pay me when i finish finished i forgot to cut my toe nails so that must be the reason that my body is so itchy feel my feet and hands itch my butt tbat is like a doodle of the noodle that you wanted to see i thought i would draw a hole in what uku see thats the amber listerine like spit me oht cause i wanted to easebees qqqq oh whats that danxe around while i make fun of you my body is not mine it is owned by everyone else thie point is gone that is not an exit thats a lost memory that i am beginning to choke on maybe i should eat a mint cause i cannot find the amount of pues that i made eggs with i am looking for a shrimp that fits in a salad that will cover half my butterlettuece like i need a loincover and see if i can get this string in my ass open the crack look at a girls body anyways slup that out to open the hate i mean the love munch in a crunch rap var until the vunch of banans fall from the leaves of a tree im at the zoo cause i cannot find the lid to the tire here hold my back unplug the keurig and plug it back in ob no goneja i thoight im a logic puzzle that yoh couldnt complete in calculus this is a message from a cycline thag was about fiftytwo different mothers fingers in my ass i might as well be fucking a makeawish bear oh thats a cleft pallette reverse the direction of the ocean i put a rubbrr band on the table yesterday so that must be a problem take a step to the left give you a rite cause i cannotnfind a breve that taste like the mest i wantrd a latte sophia but tge lightning struck a belgian cookie cup like i whistle dixie and send oht a bolton the green latern so he can start his day i still have to eat but i lost my apettite trying to fix the brights that was under the lamp that was in the dobule that was up inside of me lime this is the way that you make a trip to the variety put you in my vanity ljke i wanted to feel you insides from uo the other side no i did nkt stick it in the wring hole that is where you are mistake i fit it in like im frying bacon send you ti the degree i am waiting for the wm that is under the slice of a mw that was inside my bmw or was it a wmb i do not knkw i didnt play in the womens team cash out like this iq that was intellgent before the pandoit this is a forgorth zit like mip mip mip get the forcorthmyth im not in reality i jumled off the earth 198 steps to the left or was 2008 steps i do nkt reacll maybe who knows 202 i dont knoe im the zero that was beyond the -8 that was under a munth i was born from under the grkund and grew out of the dirt so that the catrots ckuld find a home coin drop dime drop thats nkt a pin i hear a needle drop i see you in the air vents what yoy think i do not knkw aboht the time youwere at the shopping mall what this bishop that is not a saab i broke youre battery with a thought like oh i went to columbia city to oick up from the piund oh what that was me oh like pop the pin hold tight cause i every day is 30 like i am in the back of a theater and you look like somethjng to eat os is the trigamos that was under the llaokatwo thats a moo whats this i taking a swig at you pull yiure hair feel me chop you up like a ljttle bit rub yiu on my body pick you apart until you cannot find oht the number of advil that was in the bag place you in a ziplock like what was that this is nkt a walk and that is not a marching band grab your hairband fling avross the and hit you with a spitball hear me im trying say no or yes but dont go oh what go this is a ritch that was inside a shke horn qw imthe wq that is not a facial structure rhat was inscent like insdime thats whruping im burbing all the way to the fliur mill will a millstone in my nose this is not a kese this is a rubbertree that was making tire out of singapire comes im to poor to find out whats happening in myanmar but that is in guam thailand


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