165 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Absentee Landlord? Where Is God? Why Does He Not Do Something?

In Episode 165 we discuss the accusation of satan that God is an absentee landlord. And many people have the same accusation against God, because by looking at what’s going on around us with all the pain and sorrow, they ask where is God in all this? Does he not care? Why does He not do something about all this suffering?

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46 thoughts on “165 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith – Absentee Landlord? Where Is God? Why Does He Not Do Something?”

  1. @56 min – you were discussing how when sin is overcome then it is advantageous to be in His presence.
    I always say it this way β€œGod only shows himself to the extent of our faith”. if God β€˜shows’ himself to the faithless _then they are compelled to worship Him. Much of the world don’t believe there is a God because He has not DIRECTLY manifested Himself to them. Yet it is these very ones who would be the last to believe like in the story of the Rich man & Lazarus speaking of someone raised from the dead.
    Thankyou again for a marvelous topic..

  2. Please don’t take Gideon and Samson out of the Hall of Faith in Hebrews!! Their inclusion gives me such hope for my sorry self!!! Praise God He is so gracious and merciful!!!!

  3. πŸ’™ ((Thank you! How I love your talks. πŸ’Ÿ Here is a quote from our prophet Ellen White, which shows that the ONLY way for God to fill the void, of the angels cast out of heaven, with humans who will be loyal to God… IS thru the Free Will probation He gives all humans. He has set aside 6000 years to show for all eternity the result, in character development, of those who follow Satan or God.)) 🍎If God had decided in His councils in heaven to visit the transgressor of His positive commands with instant death, there would have resulted a much greater carefulness and restriction of the inclination to do those things that are an offence to God. The very men who seem to be dead to entreaties and warnings sent in mercy by God, those who will not be deterred from their evil course of action, would be prudent to save their lives, even if they have no love for God. But the Lord's arrangement, made in council with His only begotten Son, was to leave man a free moral agent to a certain length of probation. His eye would discern all their works, but He would compel no man's service. If the love displayed in His long-suffering and patience would not bring them to repentance and perfect surrender to the laws of His kingdom, then they must be left to choose whom they would serve. Their life must testify of their choice. If they love transgression and choose to disregard His laws after sufficient test and trial, their case is forever decided. God cannot have such as members of His family in heaven. Their punishment will come in accordance with the aggravating character of their defiance and rebellion against God. God's long-suffering will give every opportunity for man to repent and turn to Christ as his only hope. 🍎 (ELLEN WHITE: Testimonies to Sth Africia. Letter E.

  4. This is the very BEST explanation of the topic of why God β€˜seems’ silent. This presentation must be listened to many times to really let the message sink in. Thanks be to God for these messages!πŸ™God is awesome!

  5. Acts 1:9. In the Greek testament the word used to explain how Christ left the disciples is "υπέλαβΡ" . In the ancient Greek that word means understanding,
    Ex. "how did he understood what he was shown"?
    That passage in the modern Greek bible, is translated, or explained, as " a cloud hid Him from their eyes", not a cloud took Him.
    So comes the "absence"?

  6. Thank you for the book "Dwelling in The Secret Place" penned by gracious Sonica Veith, I can't wait to start reading! May the Lord's richest blessings fill your days.❀‍πŸ”₯

  7. Once again a Timely Message delivered as we wait for our Saviour's Advent to Deliver us from Evil and EVILDOERS! Thank you Walter and Martin for the Depth of this discussion and the fact that ALL of God's People from the beginning of time went through similar issues etc, as we are facing in our Time. There is No Doubt that we are moving steadily towards the End of this World's History as we know it. May Heaven Grant you Our LORD'S DEEPEST FAVOUR AND BLESSINGS as we near the End of this World's Testing Time to make us Worthy of our Heavenly Citizenship β™‘

  8. Thank you for that reminder that we have an everpresent comforter.
    Before I was exposed to the Spirit of Prophecy, there was a series of books for 'children', called The Chronicles of Narnia, by CS Lewis. This was my introduction to the overwhelming love of my creator.
    Every day I ask, "What is to be my challenge?". This is not something you can appreciate unless you firmly believe in the promise that you will not be tested beyond what you can bear. So often I have to ask God, "You think that highly of me that you believe I can handle such stress?". Hence the patience of Job.
    May God nourish the seed you have planted.

  9. We are never alone as the word of God clearly states:

    Joh 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.
    Joh 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
    Joh 16:9 Of sin, because they believe not on me;
    Joh 16:10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;
    Joh 16:11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
    Joh 16:12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.
    Joh 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
    Joh 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
    Joh 16:15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

    Mat 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

  10. Read the book in one sabbath .
    Thank you for suffering so much for telling the truth and saving lives.
    Your series saved my life . Thank you so much !
    May God bless you and your family !

  11. That book is one of the most interesting and eye-opening books (aside from the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy books)I've ever read.I couldn't put it down until I've finished reading it.May the Lord continue to bless the Veiths family and the ministry…in Jesus Name πŸ™ Amen

  12. After reading SONICA’S book I am so impressed how God intervenes in your life. It brings back memories of how God took care of me also. It made me tearful because God is so wonderful. I had similar experiences with church members. Thanks for the book. Thank you for your lectures Walter. No other SDA pastor ever taught what I was surrounded with in my counseling profession; new age, occultism and eastern religions etc. thank you for the onslaught series. It changed my life.

  13. Thank you again Walter, Martin and Sonica, for yet another timely message. I just finished reading your book this morning Sonica, and it could not have come at a better time! Just last Sabbath myself and my friend have been censored from our local church, based on false allegations, with no evidence, unable to speak or defend ourselves. I was stunned at how the congregation blindly accepted the lies. The only thing I was guilty of was teaching the scripture and spirit of prophecy and quoting a little here and there something from WUP, which I have been following for the last 3 years – in a spirit of love, as I too feel the burden for souls – both in and out the church. I thank the Lord for a peace that surpasses understanding, though I have been through a myraid of emotions over the past 3 months and have no idea how I am to go forward at this stage, I rest under the shadow of His wings. God showed me Isaiah 66:5. Yet we are to hate the sin and not the sinner. I pity them, for as they have treated us, so God will treat them. We must always remember this. I was guilty recently also of blaming someone else for things that didn't go right. God told me, if you blame them, I will blame you. It struck me how much I am guilty of "to be blamed for" in my life. A very humbling experience which draws me closer to the feet of my saviour. We must rely on Jesus for everything, and your selfless lives have shown me this in your book Sonica. Thank you so much. (Makes my problems seem so small) I want to give you guys the biggest hug, that will have to wait till we get to heaven, as I am too far away. God bless you all and thanks again for your selfless love and sacrifices in order to tell the world the shocking truths with love so that others may be saved. Thank you for clash of minds. Thank you for free downloads so we can share with others. I am not sure if there have been other requests, but would love some downloadable hymns that we could sing along to in homegroup studies…

  14. Amen…. i have also watched every episode. I think the holy spirit is being withdrawn. In the last few months God has been putting elderly people in our church in our circle to sleep.

  15. My 9 & 11 yr old LOVES WUP, mostly bc the love the music but they are drawn to Dr Veith’s tone, demeanor and peaceful teaching style. I do believe they are drawn to the presence of the Holy Spirit during these lessons. Praise God for His chosen teachers .


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