15-year-old hit, killed near Frisco school on first day of classes

Heritage High School 10th grader Landon Bourque was riding his bicycle on the first day of school around 5 a.m., possibly on the way to an early morning workout or football practice.

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14 thoughts on “15-year-old hit, killed near Frisco school on first day of classes”

  1. In general drivers in Texas are bad. Every driver in Texas should go through tough driving test every year and renew their license. Speed limit within any neighborhood should be ONLY 10 miles speed. At least in my neighborhood teenagers are driving really crazy and they never stop in any of the stop signs.

  2. Lots of assumptions claiming the truck was speeding. It sounds like the bike was crossing and didn't yield to the active lane of traffic and rode in front of a moving vehicle. There is not much traffic at 5am, but its very dark. Was the bike outfitted with lights and proper reflectors, was the biker wearing visible clothing, clearly these are factors that could have helped, other than following basic traffic laws. Being he was under the driving age, was he in a crosswalk? Was he walking his bike in the crosswalk? Lots of factors here, yet so many are assuming speeding is the problem based on comments in and posted on the video.

  3. This is so tragic and so upsetting. I live near this area and can't begin to imagine the grief this boy's family must be experiencing. Imagine sending your son on his bicyclye to football practice on his first day of school and never seeing him again. A life cut way too short. My prayers and sympathy to the family, the students, and the community who are mourning the loss of this young man.


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