15.3 | Top 3 Units to Win Games | How to play Death Guard (9th Edition)

Updated for the new Warzone Nephilim Pack, some of Nurgle’s finest blessings yet! In this series we will look at every aspect of …


8 thoughts on “15.3 | Top 3 Units to Win Games | How to play Death Guard (9th Edition)”

  1. I have 2 PBC, 2 FBD and 2 MBH models I can never seem to fit all 6 models into a list and always end with 5 of them and often drop a FBD. But sometimes think I should drop one of the others instead but feel I need the entropy cannons and multi meltas in a list.

  2. I know we think differently on this but I would be very tempted to include Chaos Spawn in my top 3, they just consume so much effort to kill and being so cheap, they just feel a bargain. I also find they can’t be ignored because -2 damage 2 is pretty nasty on anything, albeit I know hitting on 4’s is pretty rubbish.

  3. Took DG to a small 750 point tournament, 5 games. Messaged you a while back and you helped with the build, thanks! Ended up with MPC, 2 X 5 PMs, 10 poxwalkers, 3 DST, foul blightspawn, mower drone and a spawn. Deathshroud were my MVP followed by the drone and the PMs. Didn't go with arch contaminator and regretted it all tournament for buffing the DSTs! For the points the chaos spawn was fantastic at blocking deep strikes, tempting charges and much too much bullets for what its worth!


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