14 New Secrets You Didn't Know About in Elden Ring – New Ash of War & One Shot Bosses – Tips & More!

A load more hidden tips, ashes of war and sorcery secrets oh yes! Enjoy!
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Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak can wait for now as we delve into Elden Ring and its Elden Ring gameplay with this Elden Ring guide and Elden Ring tips tricks and Elden Ring location and Elden Ring bosses and Elden Ring location how to and Elden Ring best weapon Elden Ring Hidden Area Elden Ring speedrunner Elden Ring Wing of Astel Hidden Area Elden Ring Black Knife Elden Ring Terra Magic Rogier’s Set Elden Ring Black Flame Blade Beast Roar Elden Ring Ancestral Infants Head Elden Ring Malenia Boss Fight!

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47 thoughts on “14 New Secrets You Didn't Know About in Elden Ring – New Ash of War & One Shot Bosses – Tips & More!”

  1. to be honest, the more i play elden ring, the more i hate it. I want to like it so bad, but it's sooo frustrating to play. I have zero poise, do barely any damage in late game, and constantly die in a few hits (even though I've got high vigor). The only build that I've had moderate success with is frost/bleed combo and that's part of the problem: there's only a few viable builds in elden ring. So that's PVE, but what about PVP you ask? Well that's worse–all pvp is just people spamming the cheapest, cheesiest attacks possible while they chug health every 5 seconds. Maybe if the game was actually a beauty to look at and play through I could look past my complaints, but it doesn't really look that great either. The erd tree ruins every landscape and every character, and most locations are beyond high fantasy. It all looks like a cartoon or a capcom game from the early 2000s.
    I hope to one day understand this game. But as of right now, I don't know if i'll ever come to enjoy it (though I did enjoy dark souls/demon's souls)

  2. The Astel tip, it’s a “feature” in quite a few games where I’ve seen randomisers in which enemies in in places they wouldn’t normally be and some of their audio doesn’t work, I assume this would be the case here, probably something in the coding to save data

  3. About the bit with the black flame+beast roar, that actually seems to work with all insances of damage from almo all ashes of war and all buffs you can apply to the weapon. Originally I thought it was just projectiles such as Ice Spear, Beast Roar, Spectral Lance, Golden Land, Glintstone Pebble, Glintblade Phalanx, etc. Turns out it's any form of damage caused by the weapon, including Ashes of War projectiles and AoEs that benefit from this function. A personal favorite is Bloodflame Blade on a weapon with Golden Land, allowing for ranged bleed buildup on pve and pvp.

    Obviously, Ashes that override the initial buff won't apply the initial buff's effect, but there's one other category of Ash of War that seems to not retain the buff, being the Wind themed AoWs (Storm Blade, Stormcaller, Storm Stomp, Vacuum Slice were all tested, I'm sorry if I'm missing any of these) as well as Kick, and Hoarfrost Stomp.

    In addition, for some reason, White Shadow's Lure does apply damage through the Black Flame Blade buff when used, and it does so in a surprisingly large AoE. It's only source of damage is through the buff though, the lure itself deals no damage.

    By the way, before the latest patch, the buff used to extend further into effecting your offhand shield. This meant you were able to do things such as Royal Knights Resolve buff and use Shield Crash or the One-Eye's cannon and get 80% more damage from the hits while RKR was active. It affected all shields though, not just the ones I mentioned.

  4. Actually really funny because I am going through the game with a magic/melee wearing the Spellblade set but I'm using Wing of Astel but was thinking of using the Dark Moon Greatsword.
    Also I have something interesting to share and not sure if anyone has covered it. I found out that Hoarfrost Stomp can climb up walls and hit things on roofs or floors above you if you stomp into a wall. I found out because of the shacks in that one mine you get sent to with that chest transportation trap. I was using the Morning Star with Gravitas for most of the game but changed it to Hoarfrost Stomp for a few bosses I was struggling with. I went into those mines to try to complete it but forgot to change back to Gravitas. I got trapped in one of those shacks. I originally hoped it would go through the wall so I could take out some of the miners that kind of trapped me in there but saw that I killed the Kindred of Rot on the roof. It was a nice little trick to learn. Haven't tested if it goes down walls but I don't think it does.

  5. Speed runners really can't help but abuse the shit out of every erroneously implemented, piece of code that mistakenly makes it's way into a game in order to avoid having to actually play the game. I don't get it.

  6. The Jellyfish Shield – The buff to attack power will not stay if the shield is swapped for something else after activating the buff. When the shield is in left hand any right hand weapon skill is overridden by the shields skill so we need to swap out the shield to be able to activate a weapon skill, (shield becomes useless in this scenario).
    Seems best case is for a sorcerer as wands for the most part have no skill and the shield can stay equipped, taking advantage of the full buff duration.
    I think the Buff from the shield should stay active and run its full duration no matter if it is swapped out. This is true for incantations so why not this buff, which stacks with all the good stuff like shard of alexander, scorpion charms, ritual blade talisman? It would be nice to use this to buff weapon skills as well. Moar OP

  7. Golden Vow – I noticed that if GV wears off after a 'wave of gold' from a Sacred Relic sword has been sent off that the damage done is also reduced during the live wave, of which is no longer connected to the player. Using the Palace Approach site of grace the wave of gold was hitting for 4k while the vow was active and I could see the damage reduction happen during a live wave from 4k to 3.4k. *Thought this might be worth mentioning. The damage should not have been reduced on a wave that has already left the player – IMO.

  8. Some of these hidden things and odd interactions makes me wonder.. is it possible to set the tree on fire with frenzy flame then remove it with needle then visit the turtle pope to reset npc agro. Would this flame removal + reset impact Melina in the endings since she'd be alive ? I wonder this because of the conversation with Yura about the flame and not sacrificing her.

  9. Thanks for the healing tip. Little tricks like that have saved me while I’m limping my way to a site of grace. The trick where you change Burger King heads repeatedly saved me from losing one of my biggest rune piles when I got stuck in a dungeon. Then again… I just realized that I could have used a sacrificial twig. I’ve got dozens of those cause I always forget they exist.

  10. Something that I have been thinking about (and Josh pointed out in his and Cotton's Ranni and Blithe PVP invader cosplay episode) is that Ranni has stacked a bunch of books on her chair so she looks bigger. We have to remember that the puppet body she currently inhabits is not what she originally looked like. When you look at the remains of her original body you can tell that Ranni used to be really tall like the other demi-gods. I think that the implication is that Ranni is self conscious of her new stature and tries to compensate for it by sitting up high. When you first meet her she is also sitting atop a broken wall.

  11. Black flame works with all ashes of war I'm pretty sure. I use carian phalanx ash of war with black flame and all the blades trigger the black flame status.

    It of course works with Godrick's grafted arm, and other ranged ashes of war.

    One I haven't tested though is if using quick step with the briar set and black flame triggers the black flame on dodge. It probably doesn't but it would be funny lol.

  12. spellblade set increases and only increases the magic damage dealt by weapon arts, no matter which as long as the weapon art have magic damage, and only increase this part of damage.

  13. The Wing of Astel: There was a very interesting professor in the 60's or 70's (or even earlier), he find out that certain bugs don't use their wings to fly, but to create a frequency between the wings and their shell, and that make them fly! So maybe the Wing of Astel taps into the frequency of its origin, as soon as you're getting near the enemy!?

  14. From what I’ve heard about Elden Ring buffs, is that stacked buffs are not actually stacked. The compounding effects steadily fall off. While logically it should be 8% magus bonus it is a reduced bonus. Think of it as if the buffs are overlapping.

  15. You guys should do a series on spell/incantation range. You could have them all sorted by category (glintstone, dragon, beast, etc..) and see which spell/incantations are not only best range but most effective with best range. Just an idea. Hope you use it.

  16. Did you know you can use braggards roar ash of war, then use the charged running heavy attack twice, it gets massively boosted by roar medallion, axe talisman spiked cracked tear, AND ALSO BY HAVING THE HIGHLAND AXE ON YOUR OFF HAND. dealing MASSIVE DAMAGE and you get amazing poise with colossal weapons/swords.

  17. The set does exactly what it says it'll do. It doesn't say it boosts "Glintstone Sorceries" it says it'll boost "Glintstone Sorcery Skills", Rogier (the NPC who drops the set) also drops/gives a Rapier with a Glintstone Sorcery AOW (Carian Phallanx) on it.

  18. Did you know that you can use a spirit summon and a regular summon in the same boss fight? If the regular summon dies you can negate the fur calling finger thing and summon in your spirit summon.

  19. I may have found something for your next episode: When twohanding the fallen starbeast jaw or whatever name that weapon has the tarnished puts it over his shoulder. Now try equipping D's chestpiece. What the tarnished does is shifting the back of the weapon a bit lower. It looks like the weapon is too heavy and the tarnished is nearly falling over now. Kinda funny. I tested a view armor pieces and it seems this only happens with D's armor. I didnt try another weapon and dont know if its just a bug or something only happening in my game. But it would be interesting to know if it happens with other players too.

  20. Pretty sure Malenia has 1 health bar for the fight, and when she transitions the game heals her to full health manually. Like a super fast regeneration.

    Because she is taking DOT damage, it probably nullifies her healing.

  21. I defeated the Astel in huge cave that resembles a scene of the great beasts that I battled 3 times. The Missbegotten Void is a valuable upgrade to any sorcerer magic weilding wizard. But I'm stumped at a blue force field that will not let me pass without a ring of Fidelity. Where in Oblivion is that?


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