#12daysofyule Day 4 'Tis the Night of Divination…

Merry Christmas and Happy Yule! Here is a prerecorded “Christmas Eve Special” video where I make a witchy re-imagining of the 18th century poem, A Visit From St. Nick; originally written by Clement Clarke Moore.

Chant Transcript (some edits made in post):
‘Tis the night before Christmas, and all through this house

Not a creature is stirring, not even a mouse;

My circle is cast in the moonlight with care,

In hopes that kind spirits will soon linger there;

While children lay nestled all snug in their beds;

And visions of sugar-plums dance in their heads;

I pick up my wand and my pointed black cap,

To conjure yuletide spirits from their long winter’s nap.

I bless my tools and I cleanse my space,
To ward away spirits not wanted in this place,

Away with spirits who serve me grief,

And bless my circle under Solstice wreath.

By the light of the moon on the new-fallen snow,

I call upon thee to rise from below!

And cast upon my divining eye to appear,

The sight of the spirits that I call to be near.

With the flame of my fire so lively and quick,

I hold in this moment the power of magick,

More rapid than ravens, spirits come to my bade!

By the glow of candlelight I shall call them by name:

Come, Hecate! Come, Cernunnos! Come, familiars and friends!

Come, Odin! Come, kindly spirits! Before this night ends!

From the top of my voice! To my honoring call!

Come now! Come now! I invite you all!

As leaves that bellow in hurricane fly,

When they meet with the air, the force of nature’s sky;

I call to the housetops and down through the eaves, to all kindly spirits who may wish to speak

For this night here of joys, underneath growing moon —

With stars above twinkling, over every roof

Is the perfect time to share with spirits of yule.

As I draw in my wand,  and turn circle ’round,

I call upon my ancestors to come with a bound.

Be dressed all in fur, from head to foot,

Or their clothes be all tarnished with ashes and soot;

Whether you possessed fortune or weather you lacked,

I welcome you all to once more come back .

My eyes—how they twinkle! My circle, how merry!

My cheeks are like roses, and nose like a cherry!
Whilst chanting my mouth draws up like a bow,

And I smile with glee, gleaming as white as the snow;

For as I cast thee all from above or beneath,

My incense smoke, encircles my head like a wreath;

No matter if you have a broad face or a little round belly

That shakes when you laugh, like a bowl full of jelly.

Or If you’re witchy or pagan, or a jolly old elf,

Come now and join me now in joyous wealth;

With a wave of my wand and a twist of my head

Soon we shall gather with nothing to dread;

And If you speak not once but have come to my word,

Know I am thankful whether or not you are heard,

And now as my beckoning draws to a close,

I give thee a nod, and hand thee a rose;

I offer a drink to warm you as the howling wind whistles,

As away now you fly like the down of a thistle.

But I call out once more, as you drive out of sight—

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”

Ivy the Occultist:


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