120K US Soldiers Appeared on Poland's Border, Cutting Off Main Link Between Russia With Kaliningrad.

#ukrainewar #ukrainenews #ukraine
120,000 U.S. Soldiers Suddenly Appeared on Poland’s Border, Cutting Off the Main Link Between Russia and Belarus With Kaliningrad.


38 thoughts on “120K US Soldiers Appeared on Poland's Border, Cutting Off Main Link Between Russia With Kaliningrad.”

  1. Communism has always been a threat to peace in the world. Anyone who does not realize this is blind or chooses to believe lies. The preparation for war should never stop! This is the best way to keep peace.

  2. Russia is not intimidated by American or NATO troops in theirs borders, because they can neutralized with nuclear weapons and escalate the war around the world, may God guide ours leaders in the world before is too late.
    God, we are in your hands.
    Amén 🙏 🙏 🙏

  3. Боже, Ян Тан, Боже, благослови українські солдати, удачі НАТО та Європейського Союзу, слава українцям

  4. The most democratic and peace loving nation, ( the USA ) is protecting their way of life again ten thousand miles away from the US. BTW Hungary is an ally to Russia. EU or NATO membership doesn’t mean that they agree with the US way of “ hit and run “ politics. Punishment will come from Russia to all of NATO members. Next step will be when China will cut the US from Taiwan. Let see who is gonna cry by the end!

  5. Watching tanks blow up was difficult knowing a crew was inside. It did not matter which side; these were young men that will not live out their lives. Each has family back home. It is hard to view all the damage to peoples homes in the Ukraine; such devistation to civilian homes; none were a Military Target. Making war on civilians is unexceptible. Ukraine has been devistated by Russian missiles. Wars have to stop; the world is interconnected; as seen in this war the whole World has been affected. the last thing we need is psychopaths in charge. It takes a psychopath to fire a missile into a large residential building; this is unacceptible behaviour. Such socialpathic decisions hurt Humanity and the build up of negative karmic energy being absorbed by Mother Earth. A karmic balance has to occur; with earthquakes, volcanoes, and the occurance of large destructive weather phenomina can be expected. Ukraine as a country only exists in memory now with such devistation, from border to border. This lands squarely on Great Britain and the U.S. for vetoing the agreement reached by the Ukraine and Russia. To here the Ukraine leader clamp down on democractic actions is an insult to the countries helping the Ukraine. War crimes must be faced on bothe sides of this conflict; especially actions taken by Ukraine's Leader against the people of the Ukraine.

  6. Putin,s invasion of Ukraine was a serious WAKE UP CALL for europe . The Poles are sending a strong MESSAGE to Putin .. Do not even think of any half hearted special military operation against such a well prepared Polish military . Any attack on Poland by the Putin lot would almost certainly not survive for 24 hours .

  7. dont worry Russia…those US troops are the NEW military…they are the PINK card Army…..Drag show Navy and the pony tail marines….the US will loose big time…..just throw them a bunch of phones with "Candy Crush" downloaded on them

  8. Uh oh… I think Putin is starting to realize he has been put in a lock. He can surrender and live, or continue to fight to a defeat and be without a doiubt removed from power. We will see if he chooses suicide. I sure hope if he does choose that the people in the control room choose not to follow him to hell. The last time such an order was issued the submariner chose to hold and he saved the world from a certain war at the time of the Cuban crisis. I don’t think we can assure Russian peoplle enought that they should think of how Germany and Japan were treated following WWII. This is the model that they should put in their minds no matter what Putin’s fascists say.


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