12 Years in GalaxyClan! (Clan Gen)

Kitten boom 2: Electric Boogaloo

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Family Tree (Spoilers for future years):

Harsh Leaf Bare Generator:

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44 thoughts on “12 Years in GalaxyClan! (Clan Gen)”

  1. Tiny design thing im in love with: Stagkit's nose looks so long and pointy in the lineup and now i hope he ends up being lanky lol. I adore these cats and already cant wait to see them all next year!😊

  2. This was a eventful year- but I’m just sooo sad cause of THE BABIESS😭😭😭😭 Btw Forest’Kit looks like a literal otter <33 I love that kit now, but yeah I’m very sad about all the babies dying and I’m SO DAMN SAD ABOUT BUTTERFLYCATCHER, I’ll edit this later when I finish it and I’m gonna prob cry-

    Edit: Ok! Just got to the living and it’s ok- FlamePaw should def wear smth that represents his green eyes which will stand out like maybe catmint if herbs appear again- ALSO, HOLLOWPATH, ARE YOU OK- HE IS NOT OK WITH ALL THOSE SCARS IM SORRY BUT YOU NEED TO BE SENT TO STARCLAN NOW💀 Id have to say, CinnamonFeather looks like a actual CinnamonRoll but can kill. Yes I’m going over ever character i love, next we have BranchDeer. Branch, your adorable but you and CinnamonFeather will probably be friends. I am loving RainPaw, yes gurl, we love bi-gender here and actually telling others your gender <333 LightningPaw… IM CRYING, YOUR 11 MOONS OLD AND ALREADY LOST A LEG? IM SO SADD. Next we got WormPaw, nervous baby, LOVE THEM ALREADY. PansyPaw.. I love her, I just love her, she looks exactly like she belongs in the Odd family fr ❤️❤️ Next is BrindlePaw, love herrrrrrrr, I love her sister TrufflePaw aswell. CinderPetal, go with HollowPath to Starclan rn and StoneKit, PLEASE SURVIVE, PLEASEEEEE. WeaselKit and BeetleKit, I love you aswell, LizardKit, SnipKit, and MagpieKit I love you 3 aswell, and finally StagKit and YarrowKit, you 2 are so adorable I love you. WeaselKit, BeetleKit, LizardKit, SnipKit, MagpieKit, StagKit, and YarrowKit, PLEASE SURVIVE UNTIL WARRIORS, IM PRAYING TO GOD ISTG I NEED TO SEE THEM ALL GROW. Finally, FallowPaw, I’m so sad, I hope she comes back and does well outside the clan <3 Then there’s SilkFur, 1: Go to hell, 2: Go to hell, and 3: I hope that gurl in dark forest will kill you, If she does that’s gonna be the only time imma support her-

  3. I think it would be interesting if Pinecall was Flamepaws main mentor after Cinderspeck and Swanleaf died, since he was trained by Swanleaf after his two mentors died. Parallels

  4. You are an absolute inspiring being to me and eventually, I will start my own clangen videos soon after I make enough money to get a windows.
    I have a few questions as well;

    Do you have any tips with how I should organize my videos? What apps do you recommend to make the videos? What drawing apps do you recommend for me to use? Do you have any tips of how I can stop stuttering and how I can get more confidence when I’m doing the voice over?

  5. I refuse to call StagKit “StagKit”

    He is Cooperkit in my mind. He looks practically identical to my dog Cooper he has the EXACT personality as him and he has that long snoot you drew him with. Cooperkit, if you die I will actually cry. :]

    The poor medicine cats 😭✋

    The way your drawing and designs have gotten really surpirsed me! Congratulations for 1 year of GalaxyClan! I can't wait to see CinderPetal just stay alive
    Man has lived past 3 leaders now 💀

  7. Idea for Fallowpaw: maybe you could copy/paste Fallowpaw into the CreekClan files so she could get some more interesting status's and overall better life. And if she returns to GalaxyClan, just remove her from CreekClan, or if she dies in either, kill her off in both? Or if she gets lost in CreekClan she could come back? Or actually get lost. All up to you

  8. You know that scene in Lady and the Tramp where Lady comes back from the pound and Jock and Trusty come over and in a roundabout way ask her to marry them so her puppies could have another parent? Maybe thats what Umbercurl was trying to do for Cloudjay?? Maybe? Idk, its still weird and insensitive but maybe that would make the situation a little better?

  9. It really sucks that out girlboss Bristlethroat had to die! But at least she can finally be with Greypaw! I also love Hopeferns name but the trait is a little bit… worrying? Also is it just me or does wormpaw look like he's kinda putting on a happy face? Its like he staring past the grim reaper into the horizon or something idk lol! I'm gonna miss his mom Lavenderheather though! Especially because I only just noticed watching through the series that she was a male kit and now a girl? Some mixed trans vibes 🙂 Love the series and "Long live Cinderpetal!"

  10. Maybe you should do a video of all the kits and apprentices in Starclan and what their warrior names would have been, or maybe what they would have looked like all grown up (though that would be kinda sad seeing what never could be, I dunno, you’re the expert😘)

  11. Lightningpaw IS me!!

    Your design is very pleasing visually for her, most of your designs are tbh. I love the way how you don't stick just to the clangen version and build off of the clangen version or paraphrase it. This series is very addicting and amazing. Do you ever plan on stopping on a year and being like, "thats enough galaxy clan" or do you plan for this to go on forever?


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