12 Floors Gone in Two Seconds – The Surfside Condominium Disaster

The in-depth documentary of The Surfside Condominium Collapse Disaster.

An hour after midnight, a thundering noise awakens the entire Surfside neighborhood. Dozens of half-asleep occupants go out onto their terraces to see what is going on. It is as if an earthquake shakes the town. The noise comes from one particular place – the Champlain Towers South.
However, the condominium is replaced by a massive cloud of dust rising in the air. Once it settles down, it reveals a horrible truth. The Miami condo morphs into a huge pile of rubble, one of the worst construction disasters in American history.

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We reveal the world’s darkest and greatest disasters all based on true stories.
This disaster documentary is inspired by the fantastic “Fascinating Horror”.


24 thoughts on “12 Floors Gone in Two Seconds – The Surfside Condominium Disaster”

  1. One of my dear childhood friends lived there and didn’t survive. His Godson was visiting him and decided to stay one extra night with him before flying him. Both perished. My friend had been trying to get me to visit so he could show me the sights of Miami. This hit too close to home. The only solace is to tell myself they died quickly and didn’t know what hit them.

  2. As someone who deals with condo boards
    They only have budget for paint landscaping brick pavers and elevator modernization
    Never structure – fire safety or anything they cannot see

  3. So as you see the extensive rot and rust of the failed pool deck at around the 12 minute mark, as well as the clear and unequivocal warnings by the Morabito Consultants, as well as the warnings by the pool repair company, you have to ask yourself why was it the security guard and her company that were significantly blamed, and then they were sued for 500 million dollars? Could it be that 500 million dollars was the exact same amount of money the security guard company was insured for? This whole episode has made me sick about our justice system. It really appears to me like finding the actual blame is unimportant. It seems like just finding whoever has the deepest pockets is what is important now. I think our justice system is really quite sick frankly.

  4. 10:23 Look into plumbing been tampered with that soaked the land under this building, I think plumbing was tampered with by previous evil tenant, could have been many years of leaking tampered plumbing! This happened to another large building Miami a year or two beforehand of this probable attack. Make sure you find this prick and make 100% sure is him or her! 🔥R.I.P 💚

  5. The mix matched condensers on a building this size (at 3:10) pretty much tell me what I need to know about the money spent on construction. Also, in the same frame, the floor thickness seems like something that you'd see with a slab on grade for a single story house? can't tell enough about how the interior would be braced from that view, but the balcony scares me.


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