12 | Dota 2 Professional Team Fight

70:29 Match
ID 7578210926
Ninja Penguins VS KZ TEAM European Pro League Season 16

#teamNinjaPenguins #teamKZ
#dota2 #immortal
#radiant #facelessvoid #emberspirit #grimstroke #tusk #timbersaw
#dire #vengefulspirit #deathprophet #lion #weaver #mars
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Dota is the deepest multiplayer action RTS game ever made and there’s always a new strategy or tactic to discover.

The series began in 2003 with the release of Defense of the Ancients (DotA), a fan-developed multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) mod for the video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, The Frozen Throne. The original mod features gameplay centered around two teams of up to five players who assume control of individual characters called “heroes”, which must coordinate to destroy the enemy’s central base structure called an “Ancient”, to win the game.

My videos are crafted with a singular focus on educational purposes. I hope you find valuable lessons within the content, and your support is not only appreciated but also fuels my determination. Thank you for being part of this journey.

Valve – Dota 2 monetize video policy
#dotatrends #dota2 #shorts #dota2progameplay #dota2competition #dota2professional
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