11 TRUE Folklore HORROR Stories

Sometimes folklore is more real than you realize, and that is truly terrifying. Enjoy these 11 allegedly true folklore horror stories!

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0:00 INTRO
0:46 Camping Tales from Grade 7 from Anonymous
4:36 Menehune in Hilo, Hawaii from C.Philly100
12:35 My Sister and the Vampire from Anonymous
24:01 Point Pleasant, West Virginia by Josh P.
35:28 Mothman Follow Up from Josh P.
42:10 Hat Man from Anonymous
44:27 Ghost Hound from Anonymous
46:48 I Saw The Grim Reaper from Anonymous
50:02 Bloody Mary Disaster from Anonymous
52:46 The Black Eyed Boy from Anonymous
54:47 Sleep Paralysis Experience with the Reaper from Anonymous

Story Music by Dark Music (me) except for music in the story “Point Pleasant, West Virginia”

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28 thoughts on “11 TRUE Folklore HORROR Stories”

  1. I love listening to these stories and they never make me scared….until tonight. The sister one with the dude actually freaked me out…my Nan is a witch and does seances with my uncle and a bunch of her friends….I’m currently living with my Nan because she has “MS” and early onset dementia. Not only is my Nan abusive (she’s old, has an old mindset like “children should be seen not heard”, she’s said this multiple times. My fiancé and I live with her, I’m 21 and in Australia so here I’ve been classed as an adult since 18yrs old) the only time she’s not experiencing dementia is when she’s doing seances. It scares me because I am very sensitive to the spiritual world (I just thought it was me imagining things and anxiety, turns out it’s not).

    Now I’m not saying I can speak to ghost or anything like that, I am however an empath and I can see spirits, not in detail…just shadows of them (shadow people). My partner is aware and believes me (trust me, I feel crazy just thinking this of myself so I don’t blame anyone who thinks I am crazy).

    I feel a very dark presence at my nans house (which I’m set to inherit)…I want to sage the place and have it blessed by my priest but I don’t want to remove the spirit of my pop from here (I’ve always been able to see him around the house from a very young age…he passed away from a stroke the Friday after I was born). I also see my grandad (mums dad)…recently my fiance and I experienced the miscarriage of our baby, I was heartbroken. I had a dream where I was talking to my grandma asking her for advice on what to do in the future as she used to be a nurse, my grandad walked in holding my extremely tiny baby (miscarried at 10 weeks old)…he told me that SHE would be okay and safe with him, that he would look after her ect ect and that he loves me. I never knew the gender as I was wanting to keep it as a surprise for the birth…after that dream I contacted my doctor and asked what the gender of my baby was…it was infact a girl.

    I’ve had other experiences of people I’ve never met before visiting me although I never know what they want as I can’t speak to them…I’ve also had other experiences like waking up from a nightmare and having my grandad at the end of the bed when I wake up, he would comfort me and tell me that he’s having god send someone my way soon that would love me, help me and support me… a week later I met my fiancé.

    I know it all could just be a coincidence but it’s just all so crazy that it’s hard to believe it’s just a coincidence considering I’ve grown up going through all this.

    I get visions that always come true right to the tiniest details although I can’t control when I get visions or what about. I am catholic but I do believe in cryptids, other mythology and science as well…I believe god made friends to rule their own people (Roman gods, Greek mythology ect ect) and I believe they each have their own dimensions they get to rule. Obviously it’s up to each person what they choose to believe if anything, I’ll never push others into thinking what I think or feeling what I feel but that theory makes sense to me personally.

    Anyway, that story about the sister really freaked me out because it hit very close to home. As much as I hate to say this, I hope my man doesn’t last much longer as I cannot afford to get my own place with the rental crisis here in Australia…plus she’s in heaps of pain and is very sick…it’s miserable for her and I don’t feel safe with all the satanic rituals while I’m sensitive to spiritual things (not due to the church, I’ve been this way since birth and have only begun attending church in the past month). It’s just a fairly scary situation and I feel like this dark entity is draining my energy, I have had health issues pop up since moving here as well.

    My fiancé is FIFO so is often gone for a few weeks as a shearer and then back for a couple of days before returning to work for a few more weeks.

    I know you’ll all call me crazy, judge me and be annoyed at the length of this…trust me, I don’t want to be an empath but according to my family history I have witch blood in my veins (relatives burned at the stake for witchcraft ect on dads side, Nan is my dads mum). I don’t fully believe that I do in fact have witch blood but there’s a lot of things that now make sense after learning about my family history and what my Nanna does. I’ve seen a ton of different people regarding this, haven’t told them my family history, experience or posted about it…it literally would have been impossible for them to know the things they know about me and they’ve said I have witches blood, I’m an empath for the spiritual world (living and the dead) and that I’m sensitive to it.

    I’ve had experiences where something has happened and I can feel it like my partner cutting his hand on his shearing gear only to get a call a few minutes later from him saying he’s going to the hospital to get his hand sorted because he’s cut it on his shears…or when his mum died in hospital I instantly felt it and a minute later we got a call informing us that she had passed away. My dad got into a crash and I knew, half an hour later I got a message from dad showing a photo of his car completely written off (he was okay thankfully).

    I’ve had visions similar that have come true within the day too. It’s all just very very unexplainable and too much of a coincidence when you put it all together.

    Anyway. The story scared me. Send help 😅

  2. I have had MANY encounters with the shadow man/ hat man, every since childhood, and I disagree that he's evil, just bc it's a black shadow does not necessarily mean it's "evil". I honestly think he's a guardian or some form of messenger to help or inform something is going to happen in the near future.
    I've done many many many hours of research, actually dedicated my life to paranormal and there's never anything bad that comes from the shadow man. People are just scared of the unknown and there's no reason to be bc whether u believe or realize it, were surrounded by the unknown, and that certainly doesn't make it evil.

    Also, years back, my mom and I had an encounter with the moth man, and there was absolutely no harm done or anything, he came out of nowhere and flew over our car flying into the dark field. Again we were alone and the opportunity to cause harm was there, but nothing. This again takes me to the point that not all of the unknown wants or desires to harm us. I think if maybe these creatures or entities feel threatened then they of course will defend, just like humans.

    With all that said, if u go searching or calling out for different entities with the thought of knowledge of them causing pain or suffering, then of course that's what you'll experience.
    The paranormal is fascinating and it amazes me and I feel like people should start viewing from a brand new perspective.

  3. In the story about Point Pleasant, the author said an AR-15 could handle a bear. I’ve bear hunted and an AR-15 will just annoy a bear unless you hit the brain or heart.

  4. darkness managing to actually convince me to check out his socials cause of tornadoes oml also its all fun and games listening to overseas stories but when i hear 'australia' i get a lil nervous

  5. I live on Oahu, Hawaii, and some of my family and friends have had encounters with the Menehune. They’re from another realm. They are so fast, you can’t catch them. If you corner them, they just disappear. They’re magical. Hard to believe, but they are very real.

  6. Yikes! I don't blame the guy, who's sister is apparently some kind of cult member, for not wanting to be around her again!! 😲 lf this was true, and l were him,, l would stay clear of her! And, l agree with many of your followers, love listening to your voice when going to sleep. Thx Mr. Darkness

  7. I like the stories but ur voice does not compliment the story. I'm not trying to be mean but I like these types of stories but with a deeper voice to match the intensity of the story. This is not a deal breaker, just a suggestion. I'm still a subscriber


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