10th Urs Sharif Mubarek of Sahibul-Seyf Sheykh Abdul Kerim El-Kibrisi El Rabbani Hz

Selam Aleykum Rahmatullahi wa Barakatahu
Today, June 30th, We commemorate the Urs-Sharif, the Urs-Mubarek of Sahibul-Seyf Sheykh Abdul Kerim El-Kibrisi El Rabbani Hz, May Allah SWT bless him with countless blessings and raise his station always higher, endlessly.
Sahibul-Seyf, the Lion of Allah SWT, fought for the Truth, every day of his life. Through his words and more importantly his action and lifestyle.
He was given a job by his Sheykh, Sultan ul Evliya, Sheykh Mevlana Muhammad Nazim Adil El Hakkani Hz, to bring that light of the Holy Prophet AS, and the Evliyaullah, and the Ottomans to America and then to all over the world. He completed his mission.
His noble intentions and sacrifice resulted in The Osmanli Dergahi bearing the fruits of his labor worldwide, reaching in every way to the hearts of all those who will listen, under the leadership of his inheritor, our guide, Seyh Lokman Efendi Hazretleri.
We are fortunate and give thanks on the Holy Day of the Urs of Sahib ul-Seyf that we have been blessed with the gift of our Sheykh Lokman Efendi Hz, our Sultan and Ottoman Sheykh who glues us together with the Sunnet and improves our lives with his sohbet.
He renews the love of the Holy Prophet AS in our hearts, enjoins and encourages the good while forbidding the evil in that golden chain of tradition reaching back to the Holy Prophet AS. He is the lamp to illuminate the darkness in these times. He fulfills with honor, the mantle of his Sheykh.
May we hold tightly and honor his teachings to carry his light in our own lives, to our families and children, and to our community. May we fulfill our promise, honor our Bayat, and the purpose of our creation. We are asking to be with our Sheykh, dunya and Ahiret, always improving ourselves, stepping on our ego and serving this way. May we make the Hakk to rise and the Batil to fall in our own lives.
On the Holy Day of Sahibul-Seyf’s Urs we ask under the dome of our Seyh Lokman Effendi Hz, for an end to the cruelty of the tyrants, and for the laws of Allah SWT, of justice to return to this world. We ask for the return of the Ottomans, for the Khalifa. We ask for Mehdi AS. May Hakk rise and return! May Batil fall and Perish!
We are Ottomans! How Honored We Are!


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