10th Edition 40k Leviathan Box Set Datasheet Analysis – Which units are Strongest?

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Opening song credit: Shitsubo Shita · Josh Lis ℗ 1153121 Records DK


12 thoughts on “10th Edition 40k Leviathan Box Set Datasheet Analysis – Which units are Strongest?”

  1. The Barbgaunts are broken. Take ten, shoot at ten different infantry targets, and all of them get slowed. Did no one think this through and realised how broken Disruption Bombardment is and how it makes life several times more difficult for melee armies? The only saving grace about it is that it has no Barrage rule, and even without that one it's still horribly broken.

  2. Thanks guys the review gentlemen. The barbgaunts can be tricky, but if the initial battle reports are any indication, the Tyranids aren't in a good place. They're getting curb-stomped by the Ultra Marines. I how this changes with the codex, but it's looking dicy right now, imo

  3. while this startbox is sort of skewed towards the marines based on loadouts and armor/lack of AP, i think it's important to remember… you dont HAVE to pit these exact units against eachother on release day. the indexes will be out, Nids got plenty more units to play with.

  4. I dont think "rites of battle" lets you overwatch twice. It lets you ignore the restriction of "can only use the same stratagem once per phase". Overwatch has the extra restriction of only being used once per round

  5. Barbgaunts will have to be FAQ`d. Far too powerful, and potentially reducing advance rolls to -1? It should be select one unit hit, and a floor of 1 for movement and advance.

  6. i feel combi weapons across the board got nerfed to be anti-infantry only now. Sternguard feel like 9th edition intercessor vets with bolt guns only as the sarge can't take any melee weapons and the only heavy weapon in the unit is the heavy bolter now, no heavy flamer, melta, etc.


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