100% Distance RNG Strategy Race Around Monaco!

Welcome back to Challenge Chewsday where I get my Twitch viewers to choose my challenge for the day! Last time out we attempted to do a battle royale-type challenge which was unfortunately hampered by the game not running simulation damage properly…another day perhaps. Today we have a new challenge kindly suggested in my Discord and in theory, we should be in for a lot of pain…

Main channel videos: https://www.youtube.com/@AlexGillon/

See future videos LIVE here: https://www.twitch.tv/alex_gillon

My wheel is the Fanatec CSL DD Boost Kit, buy direct from Fanatec:

Discord: https://bit.ly/3oXEONy
Twitter: https://bit.ly/3rYE6RW


21 thoughts on “100% Distance RNG Strategy Race Around Monaco!”

  1. Do a challenge where every time you touch a car or wall no matter how small, you get an electric shock while your driving

    Bit like one of them games where you can’t touch the wire or you get electrocuted


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