10 Terrible Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They're Good

These movies played everybody like a damn fiddle.

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24 thoughts on “10 Terrible Movies That Tricked You Into Thinking They're Good”

  1. So basically this video just wants to crap over any "simple" story where you can just sit back and enjoy watching a story. Not everything needs to be deep and complex in order to be good.

  2. Personally, I had never heard anything about skinamarink before or really since seeing it, I thought it was one of the genuinely scariest movies i've ever seen. The fact you don't see the horror that is haunting these kids and it's from the perspective of a child, it is definitely one of the most unique horror movies and caters to those close to children and those with horrific imaginations. While it may not be as great as this video claims others claim it to be, it definitely caters intensely to the frights of some.

  3. This video is proof that whatculture acts like they know more than you and are “true film critics” tricking you into thinking this video is good when it’s actually terrible. Ironic.

  4. I enjoyed a few of the movies on this list. I don't think I was tricked into thinking they are "good". But style over substance can definitely keep me watching if the style and visuals are good enough.

  5. I dig watching the Youtube commentary about TENET. It's a fun movie to dissect. And the sound being mixed in a somewhat muffled frequency was DELIBERATE. It allowed at times for the audio to reverberate with a reverse heart beat-like tone. I know you guys are reading off of a script, but damn. Have maybe 12% imagination.

  6. The entire tone of the narration in this video is extremely smug, condescending, and sanctimonious. As though it was written by a middle-class intern trying desperately to be noticed in a vapid sea. Do better Whatculture. This was pathetic.

  7. Whatculture I think you are being a toxic movie fan. You obviously included film that YOU personally hate on this list. I am sick of movie fan toxicity. It has got to stop and you are being a nostalgia hungry jerk

  8. This is how I feel about 2001: A Space Odyssey. It's has gorgeous visuals and great cinematography, but it takes 3 hours to tell a 15 minute story. Everything about this movie is incredible except for the movie. I think it is genuinely the worst movie ever made.

  9. This was a tough video there WhatCulture. Looking back at any Movie years later it's easy to pick apart… bad taste. This just comes off as cynical, and not to mention rude to the hard work put in on these films.

  10. I can't argue any of these. Even The Cell, which I consider a guilty pleasure, is spot on; it's not GOOD, it's PRETTY. and Vincent D'Onofrio looks like he's having so much fun.

  11. I thought that the Cell and even more so Alita were decent movies that got dumped on by critics who embraced much worse movies. Stripping a movie of its strongest points will generally make a movie worse. Calling a movie bad by asking what a musical is without the music is like taking the special effects from sci fi and asking what is the point.

  12. Alita definitely doesn't belong on this list. You know what movie definitely belongs but is missing? The Hurt Locker. Won an oscar and everything. But it was just a completely garbage movie but somehow people still think it's a good movie for some reason…

  13. Yeah I remember thinking while watching American Hustle, “this movie sucks, am I the only one seeing this?” Also got tired of seeing Amy Adams little boobies hanging out.
    Couldn’t finish Skinamarink-SUPER disappointed with that one.

  14. Getting sick and tired of the Jurassic World franchise slander. No, they're not high brow, intelligent movies, but neither was the original Jurassic Park! The Jurassic Park franchise has subsisted on dinosaurs being cool and funny and badass characters, for it's entire run. All the movies in the franchise are highly enjoyable and entertaining and I for one loved ALL the Jurassic World movies. Stop shitting all over my favourite movie franchise. It's supposed to be dumb and fun. That's the joy of it.


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