10 Strangest Historical Mysteries Ever To Creep You Out

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Written by: Natasha
Narrated by Ty Notts: http://bit.ly/ty_notts
Music by Noiseplug: https://bit.ly/3hqOJYO


49 thoughts on “10 Strangest Historical Mysteries Ever To Creep You Out”

  1. No. 4 Ever wonder why the hostages were released by Iranians on the very day Ronald Reagan was inaugurated? Read "A Four-Decade Secret: One Man's Story of Sabatoging Carter's Re-election" 18 March '23 NY Times. The man who revealed the Reagan team sabatoging the Carter campaign was Texas congressman Ben Barnes.

    No. 7 is like the disappearance of Frederick Valentich and his plane off the SE Australia coast after spotting a UFO in 1978

  2. Even the U.S.Civil War is taught in schools. Presumably this is taught in US public schools.Pepi II using honey coated pows, slaves,, or proletarians to stop flies is a new one to me. Bringing a little person (Twa Person) from Yam which was in modern day Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic Of Congo, and Somalia has been noted in much literature on Ancient Egypt(Khemet).

  3. Schools will only teach you what the system wants you to think and know, thank god I was home schooled and educated myself on actual useful skills and information instead of bs like religion

  4. Educated in New Zealand here, in Secondary School we learned our own history history, a smattering of Australian History, 19th and 20th century history emphasising European events. I was interested in American history and read about that for my own amusement. At university, I took medieval British and European history, and the one paper on American History. I continued my personal interest in American history. I think I have a better grasp of American and world history than the average American.

  5. I sure as hell didn't know that we were still fighting Germany in 1949.. I don't know who this dude is that does these videos, but I'd be willing to bet that he alone has made 30% of the english speaking mfers on this planet dumber.

  6. So…as far as "human lineage" is concerned, what of the female…species …we only ever see the males evolve. We did not evolve from apes…if YOU belive that…Speak for Your Own families…Not mine.

  7. To even suggest that man was responsible for the extinction of the mega fauna is ridiculous.
    Just not the way hunter gatherer society works. And it pretends that the younger dryas event was business as usual.

  8. Edison stole ideas and patented them, often under the story, that he'd take care of the patent, but put his name instead of thge inventor's name.QActually the only thing Edison invented, was patent scam

  9. School isnt there to teach you everything its to inspire to continue further education in what ever takes your fancy , hey none of us know everything not much at all infact

  10. The guy who made this vid is a clown why is the evolution of man Creepy and why would schools avoid teaching about it , um , maybe because school isnt an archeology based module . 😅

  11. I have no degrees, but people have taught me all I need to know to survive, and also I did not like this stuff. I'm no dummy, just found it boring and somewhat blahI feel better or smarter from knowing, Won't be back…..

  12. 18:00 Imagine where we'd be today if Heron had thought of a use for his steam engine rather than using it only as a novelty. Picture this: 2,000 after the invention of the first engine! We'd have had calculus many thousands of years ago so perhaps we would have gone to the stars (would string theory have been invented a thousand years, or maybe 500 years ago? Wow)


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