10 Single Player Games to RETURN to in 2024

Here are ten games you probably need to get back to in 2024.
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0:00 Intro
0:18 Number 10
2:34 Number 9
5:26 Number 8
7:01 Number 7
8:39 Number 6
10:14 Number 5
11:59 Number 4
13:38 Number 3
15:09 Number 2
17:36 Number 1
19:27 Bonus


24 thoughts on “10 Single Player Games to RETURN to in 2024”

  1. Watch dogs is the first game I remember playing that you had to download data for it, instead of just putting the game in, and playing it. The original was awesome. the sequels are really cool too, just haven't played them a whole lot.

  2. Great to see Assassin's Creed Unity on your list, I fortunately avoided the game at launch, played it years later (years ago too, for context) and I thoroughly enjoyed it, worth the play, but agree the story is a little patchy and not as memorable as others, but still intriguing, but that just allows you to enjoy the environments!

  3. Feel like this list should've included Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance; it's still one of my all-time favorite action games with one of the best video game OSTs I've ever heard. Though it's unlikely, I still hold out hope for a sequel because it's a shame that such an amazing combat system is only used once.

  4. Honestly.. I gotta agree with so many last years. I bought Days Gone when it came out.. like ''no one'' played it. None of my friends at all… At first, yeah.. it was unfamiliar, but man… oh man… after the first horde!! HOLY SHIT! Holy shit shit shit! it's freaking hard too, at first at least. So into deserved the critics.. I bet those who didn't like it, didn't play until the horde and beyond.

    Something i just can't stop to think of when seeing this video. However flawed or ''bad'', (compared to now, i mean ofc).

    A time when Devs TRIED to make good games. Not just because they HAD TO. But because they WANTED TO make a great game. . When these 'artists' actually HAD and PUT their PRIDE into their work…into their art..That today, as we all now, is a whole different reality.

  5. when i first played days gone i was VERY thrown off, the driving was weird, but still felt cool in a realistic way. mc voice acting, i love him btw, sounded so weird, like why is he panting CONSTANTLY or just unnecessarily loud in the middle of a stealth mission or standing still. hordes are amazing but mostly the sawmill and those others thats nearby places with interactable items or alot of object to climb over or go around etc, otherwise it feels like an annoyance and not something cool. i stopped just like 4-10 hours in, tried again and dropped it again, tried the last time and forced myself to finish it due to reviews, i didnt regret it. it was interesting in its own way, its what id expect from a zombie game with living humans still there. but it fails to pull you in the first 10 hours. One thing ill give them, they really surprised me alot, not only with the sawmill horde, but by how many times they made me think the game was over. i think 3 times i thought that was the end. its definitely worth trying. i wont lie and say its among the best games ive played, but it did have moments id say are among the best.

  6. Great list, and some of them are truly spectacular games and deserve a second look. However, for the life of me, I can't get Quantum Break running well, and I've tried several things. It's either screen-tearing all over the place like it's about to rupture a hernia, or it's slow-mo city with fps dropping down to 30. It's just unplayable for me, and unless I can figure out a way to correct it, I'm stuck.

    Looking forward to playing Dragon's Dogma 1, and Divinity OS 2, for the FIRST times, and I have to agree that AC Unity was a fantastic game and deserved more love than it got. Visually, it's still my favorite of the whole franchise. Something about the aesthetic of it just appeals to me.

  7. Most of the games on this list are still pretty bad games, they're just not a broken, buggy mess anymore. Days Gone has an interesting story with good gameplay, but the main character is the biggest, most boring deushbag I've ever endured. Quantum Break didn't work on release and is barely a game. Dragon's Dogma OG was a really crap RPG that had fun big monster fights, that's it. AC Unity… still probably one of the overall worst AC games ever made. The Last Guardian is quite crap, controls and AI, 2 things the entire game rebuild around are absolutely awful. Alpha Protocol was junk and pulled from the market, and is still junk, so play it? Nah. Spec Ops the Line was an awful shooter experience and even worse today.

    What a terrible video. Is this all they do? Makeup bullshit hot takes on video games? Blocked.


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