10 REVOLUTIONARY Games Way Ahead of their Time

Many games experimented with ambitious ideas and gameplay concepts that we wouldn’t see popularized until years later. Here are some cool examples.
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0:00 Intro
0:18 Crysis
1:54 Eternal Darkness
3:03 Nier
4:26 Demon’s Souls
5:39 Planescape: Torment
6:44 Shenmue
7:51 Live a Live
9:27 Super Mario 64
11:04 System Shock 1
12:40 Trespasser (Jurassic Park)


41 thoughts on “10 REVOLUTIONARY Games Way Ahead of their Time”

  1. Surprised none of Bioware's releases are in here (Bioware was awesome at RPG's). Though Neverwinter Nights was a great game with an awesome story, NWN 2 had an even better story…particularly Mask of the Betrayer expansion had one of the best, if not the best, stories in a crpg. On the graphics side for NWN 2 point light shadows was ahead of it's time, it was such a resource hog that it wasn't til I got a GTX 980 that I could turn it on without major lag.
    Mass Effect was amazing as well, best 3rd person rpg shooter ever. Great story, great gameplay (first one.. second was blah, third was shit… we won't talk about Andromeda). The best Mechanic was how guns functioned in 1… no effing reloading only thermal management… with the right mod combo you could fire near infinitely.. oddly enough the low level cryo rounds were better than higher level, the lower level would snap freeze enemies (sooo useful), the higher level would not.

  2. I can think of a number of awesome favorites of mine that did some revolutionary stuff that would eventually become standard or at least more common;

    Perfect Dark was the first FPS (pretty sure) to not only feature alternate fire modes, but include one for literally every single gun. Was also the first console shooter that let you play against customizable AI opponents.

    Final Fantasy 11 broke a lot of ground for being the first major MMORPG to feature a heavy emphasis on the story, as well as connecting players across the world all together on the same servers which necessitated the creation of the auto-translate function.

    Borderlands basically spawned the whole looter shooter genre.

    And Assassin's Creed deserves MASSIVE credit for the bold steps it took in the state of the world it was made in – so much so they had to include a disclaimer that said it was developed by a diverse, multicultural team and to please not bomb them.

    And last but not least, The Division for its Dark Zone, which really cemented the PvEvP experience.

  3. pssssh. fuck this ENTIRE video for NOT MENTIONING SOCOM. in any capacity. TRASH. coherently ordering a group of 3 other seals via drop down menus OR FUCKING ACCURATE VOICE COMMANDS THROUGH A HEADSET!??? SOCOM HAD MULTIPLAYER AND CLAN BATTLES AND STARTED MLG. literal cooperation with U.S. NAVY SEALS. whatta waste of a video to not mention THE MOST DESERVING GAME OF A REMASTER in present tech. bleh. TACITICAL 3RD PERSON SHOOTERS WOULDNT EXIST TO THE DEGREE THEY DO WITHOUT SOCOM. SHAME ON YOU FOR IGNORING IT.

  4. do you know what game was way ahead of it's time? Gothic…. the first 2 Gothic games were just…. incredible for the time they came…. the mommy and daddy for some of the modern rpgs

  5. I'd say the 1992 Alone in the dark was pretty ahead of it's time, deserves an honorable mention, also POPULOUS and Sim City both came out 1989. I never heard of like.. seven out of the ten games you guys mention in the video. Making top-ten lists is getting kinda difficult now that there are literal millions of games for dozens of systems (over 50 or so years, depending how you count.)

  6. I feel around 2010 was the time when graphics were just where video games need to be. They looked great and the hardware would've been accessible to everyone by now. I would rather play a great story rather than watch the npc's hair blow in the wind.

  7. When I was in Afghanistan in 2011, a Marine I knew built a desktop in the Squadron hangar. It took him a couple months to get all the parts but when he finished he raved about Crisis and showed me Crisis 2. It was definitely my first glimpse at the future of graphics in games. Over 10 years later and all I own now is an MSI and a Switch. I don't see myself ever buying another console unless it's a Nintendo, the only consoles that feel like they offer something my PC doesn't.

  8. Diablo? GTA III? Quake? CW3D? Bard's Tale? Ultima Online? Elite? I feel like you were trying to impress us with these obscure titles mixed in with obvious choices like Crysis and Mario 64. Maybe I'm just too old…I mean, everyone who played the original Bard's Tale definitely needs to get their colon or breasts checked for cancer…


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