10 PS2 Games That STILL Blow Our Minds

How does a 22 year-old title look better than most PS5 games??

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50 thoughts on “10 PS2 Games That STILL Blow Our Minds”

  1. The Playstation 2 was such a wonderful console and the perfect era for game development, It was relatively cheap to make games for it so you had a bunch of AA companies making all kinds of fun experimental games and concepts, plus when something was extraordinary it obviously shinned through

  2. kingdom hearts is one of my all time favorite games i didnt play anything other than bbs and kh1 and 2 i didnt really like the playstyle of chain of memories and the story in general is kinda wild but still good honestly if i could experience 1 game for the first time again it would be kh2. kh3 for some reason just didnt do it for me prob because im not a kid anymore but the game is still fun the story is meh tho

  3. Great list. I actually still own all of these except for Kingdom Hearts and FFXI. Honourable mentions for Ace Combat 4, unsurpassed until AC7 on the PS4. FFXII for its huge world and it's cinematic presentation, the gambit system making it feel more like you were "directing" action sequences. And the Timesplitters series. Still just stupidly fun "arcadey" shooters. And we desperately need a new one. 😅

  4. What y’all need to remember is that up until the last 10-15 years (and for some people in rural areas, the last few years) if a game released in a non-functional or semi-functional state you were hosed. There were no day-one patches. There was no fixing it in post. If a game released broken, it stayed broken in the time of PS2 and XBox (original). So game devs actually tried for the most part because a game only had one shot to go big back then.

  5. The Xenosaga Trilogy for me. The graphics were amazing for the time and the countless hours of FMV was mindblowing. It felt like a game with this kind of scale could only exist on PS2 and the perfect evolution of what the designer had try to achieve earlier on the PS1 with Xenogears.

  6. San andreas is still better than allot open worlds now, RE4, Splinter cell chaos theory, Bully, God of war 1, God of war2. and MGS2. The warriers, Manhunt with the heaf set. Timespliters, Gun

  7. I'd still play Gran Turismo 3 over any of it's sequels if I had a way of playing it. Modern gaming's obsession with the 'dashboard' style menus have ruined many loved franchises for me.

  8. It's all I can do some days to stop myself reinstalling FFXI and reactivating one of my many characters just for the nostalgia.
    I'd probably go ahead and do it if I didn't have an active FFXIV sub. I still think FFXI had many things about it that were far better than FFXIV has ever managed.

  9. I've seen so many of these kinds of videos and it always boggles my mind how Silent Hill 3 is never on these lists, I guess just because it's not as popular as 2 which holds up today like soggy bread but SH3 looks amazing, plays 10x better than 2 thanks to the refined controls and combat (enemies can detect you even from your radio being on) and the graphics are still impressive af. All they had to do for the HD remaster to get it right was upscale it to 1080p or 4k like you can on the PC version in the .ini file and it looks phenominal but Konami is as Konami does I guess.

    Theres a list for ya'll, 10 Great Games That Hold Up Today That No One Talks About.

  10. Doubt they are "mind-blowing", but (for me) I like Atlus's SMT related games like SMT: Nocturne and DDS 1 & 2. Used to just be "play a story, save the something", but these were the first games I can recall which actually had… philosophy?… and encouraged the player to think and consider actions rather than just swinging a sword or whatnot. FF7 for PSOne had some thinking, but was still rather linear, while Nocturne starts off with the end of Creation and goes downhill from there with alleged 6 different ending dependent on in-game decisions.

  11. Such a great console and a real difference in performance compared to PS1 just compare FF7 to FFX or FFXII. If they follow the current trend of releasing retro mini consoles and bring out a mini PS2 with titles like these I'll be first in line. Shout out to Beyond good and Evil as well

  12. This is a tough list to make because the PS2's catalogue was genuinely insane and it was quite a time to be a gamer. Definitely grateful that I was at the age where I had the free time to experience as much of it as I did haha.

    That said, as much as I like Kingdom Hearts, I'd consider X-Men vs Street Fighter the first big WTF multiverse crossover game. Sure Capcom had developed some Marvel games prior, but no one expected them to cross over with their most beloved fighting game series, and it was pretty mind blowing at the time. It set the precedent for Vs crossover games that almost every major fighting game franchise has participated in since.


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