10 Movie Villains That Killed Other Villains

Those rogues who slaughtered other rogues.

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39 thoughts on “10 Movie Villains That Killed Other Villains”

  1. #1 Elle Driver kills Budd (Kill Bill, Vol. 2)
    "Now in these last agonizing minutes of life you have left, let me answer the question you asked earlier more thoroughly. Right at this moment, the biggest "R" I feel is Regret. Regret that maybe the greatest warrior I have ever known, met her end at the hands of a bushwhackin, scrub, alky piece of sh*t like you. That woman deserved better."

  2. Sebastian Shaw's death is half on Charles Xavier. Charles could have saved Shaw simply by releasing him from the mental paralysis he was holding him in. Given Shaw the ability to defend himself.

  3. Killmonger killing Klaue was a missed opportunity. He was one of the best villains the MCU had.
    Shaw's death was ridiculous. That was the scene that brought that movie down for me. Most of it was good, in spite of the liberties taken. The soundtrack is epic, though (I don't particularly feel good that I only own it on iTunes). Someone made an extended version of Magneto's theme that mixes all of the instances of it and it's very good.
    If you think about it, the Joker killed about half of the villains in The Dark Knight, including his entir team from the opening.
    I can't think of anything weird to add. I'm so disappointed in myself. Cool video. Always support your favorite youtube channel.

  4. Bro did you even watch these movies? So many “facts” in this video are flat wrong. Saying Dooku was Anakin’s first step down the dark side. Come on now. Murdering the tuskens didn’t do anything for you?

  5. No film like the Departed, oh I can think of one.

    Inferno affairs, possibly.

    For those who don't know Departed is a poor remake of Inferno affairs a Chinese movie.

  6. it could be said that Anikins Fall to the Dark side started in Clone Wars, when Obi-one 'Died' it wasn't Anikin at the funeral it was Vader. as it was the first time we had a glimpse of the monster he would later become.


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