10 Lovecraftian The Mist Creatures Who Will Instill Fear Of The Unknown In Your Hearts – Explained

10 Terrifying Lovecraftian The Mist Universe Creatures Who Instill Fear Of the Unknown In Your Hearts – Explained
#themist #stephenking


28 thoughts on “10 Lovecraftian The Mist Creatures Who Will Instill Fear Of The Unknown In Your Hearts – Explained”

  1. Great movie, probably 1 of the best horror-movies in general, and the ending is devastating, very believable, but nearly too much.
    I would like to see a prequel, showing what happend right before, and a sequel, as in showing how to solve this crisis.
    Though that's probably never gonna happen, this is not quite a lucrative franchise.
    Sidenote, there's a comic called "Glimmer Rats" from 2000AD, it shows a kinda similar situation, though no mist, and humans try to go "over there" (it's like visiting a Lovecraftian WH40K Tyranid ship/world/reality where everything is alive, and wants to kill/assimilate/eat you, so it'll be fun… HORRIBLE, but fun), this somehow kinda reminds me of the movie.

  2. I was so disappointed when the tv show didn't copy the film I was hoping it would expand the lore on the creature like how they live and there world but nope .
    Let's just hope the next tv show we get if we get is more like the film

  3. Now this is the one movie * would absolutely love a remake or some type of new movie set in that universe! I remember like it was yesterday how excited I was to see this movie in theaters back in the day and being one one of the few people who absolutely LOVED the ending! It would be great for A new mist movie that can show us some of the military base and the experimental arrowhead project their working on. Also I would love to see a lot more of the different creatures and monsters infiltrating this world while us regular civilians try to find a way to survive this nightmare! I would prefer a new movie that would focus more on the sci-fi/horror aspect of this premise. Somebody please make a new movie like this!

    Edit: I almost completely forgot about that insanely shitty ass "The Mist" tv show that was on the sci-fi channel some years ago! My god what a joke that shitshow was! I knew the show was in trouble when that talentless ass director or producer talk about how he didn't want to focus on the creatures but to focus on that retarded ass family he created for the show. The mist show had terrible characters, with terrible writing and acting on top of everything else. I knew right then that show was going to be a failure!

  4. The completely downbeat ending kinda spoiled the movie for me. They should have left their fates more ambiguous, like them diving off into the mist and an uncertain future.

  5. This is one of my favorite King stories; I like his shorter novellas abd stories for some reason and Im usually a dor stop novel reader. I love the small tensions and the good of these characters, I like the sinister undertone when Arrowhead soldiers suddenly slip away; Hell, I even love "Mayron The Flower" which I laugh at ever time he shows up . I like annoying neighbor. King handles hic character with a deep though in the back stories you'll never see, you're gonna see what toll they paid for it. I worl as a writer and he has been one of my best teachers, reading his turning a phrase that he's going to payoff. "On Writing" this day is the only book I would ask him to sign. And I own King First Editions. I was a good friend of Bernie Wrightson (who provided the illustrations for the uncut release of
    "The Stand" — then then DID all work together doing creature designs for the film. Those sketches were incredible. So, off we all go one night for large food, and this exact situation came up. "What the HELL is Arrowhead DOING over there?!" "What IS it?!" "And WHERE did they come from?!" And we were both nerding out of it an I swear my favorite moment was "Well,they're very Lovecraft and that how I went with it and we all loved it so that was fine. And finally Stephen says, 'I have NO damn idea what these things are or who built them, and now they're loose," (Thank you honest writer, honestly why or what or how they got here is no longer the even the question.) He's right, If he dove into Arrowhead I'd follow a long, but I sort of love that you just don't knowl Hell. I'd even let Myron The Flower tag along — but I think one got him.


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