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25 thoughts on “10 HOURS INTO WARHAMMER: DARKTIDE BETA – My Full Thoughts”

  1. @Official Invictus While i get where you're coming from – the game is very close to the 50% range / 50% melee they set out to do (compared to vermintide being closer to 60-65% melee), though this can certainly be a skill/experience issue coming from both VT and VT2. It is a very diffrent game from left 4 dead, despite sharing so much identity, and really like that they dident stray from what made the vermintide combat so great, while giving us a really good 40k version of it.

    The weapon selection was deffo limited – some weapons only coming into play at about lvl 10 ish (like ogryns second gun), and think many weapons like the flamer and plasma pistol was simply not avalible yet – that said, on launch we are looking at having some 70 weapons avalible (some in same class, like several autoguns and lasguns, but with diffrent stat lines/archetypes). As for the heavyness of shovel/axes etc – at higher difficulty you really need the heavy piercing for some enemies like the maulers (chain axe metal armor guys), and also it's a bit of balancing in your kit – as you might have a lasgun to snipe targets, and a sword to clear hordes – typicly you dont focus on just one area so-to-say.

  2. The devs have been pretty clear that they still intend melee to be a big part of the gameplay. 50/50 is the basic goal. Having said that I watched several veterans play runs using at least 80% ranged of not more. Learning the maps over time you'll develop good positioning for that.

    Also, on lower difficulties the game just doesn't have enough targets to shoot at. Once you get to Malice (tier 3) difficulty is a while different game. Repayability comes in their game moreso by pushing yourself to master the higher difficulties than anything else and the experience is completely different as you climb up those rungs.

  3. good summary, but having played 100's of hours vermintide, theres for sure way more depht to melee combat than "just spamming left mouse button". theres also holding left mouse button to charge, and pressing left mouse button while holding the right mousebutton to push. it's a crucial part of the "-tide" franchise and to master it is a big part of the gameplay. you wont be able to play on max difficulty without having mastered melee combat. to me it looks like the classes are just like in vermintide, and im sure you will be able to pretty much only use the gun with the sharpshooter, just like it was possible to have enough ammo regen with the elf. but even the elf could not only shoot in harder difficultys, simply because you cant kill them fast enough. and i bet it will be the same in this game. ranged weapons for "specials" , and melee for everything else.

  4. I agree with all your opinions except for one, the change in balancing shooting and melee. I come from V2 and Ive played 10hrs of DT got a lvl 12 zelot because i love hack and slash, and I have found ranged weapons are extremely crucial in this game, you WILL fail your missions if you play all melee, simply because of the addition of ranged enemies. You cant rush the ranged units because, as you said, you take a lot of damage doing so, the best way of dealing with them are ranged weapons. However, hordes spawns frequently and infinitely, and this is where you need to use your melee as ammos are limited resources. I like the balance of melee and ranged so far, but Id also like to see if the devs changed the direction a bit more to the shooting side.

  5. You need to watch the developer blogs. They said they didn’t want people just doing range combat, they wanted players to mix it up. So yeah, your complaint has already been addressed lol. Also, when hordes are coming you need to shoot as many as you can and then melee when the horde clashes with your group. Go play V1 or 2 if you can’t adapt to the higher skill level. 🎉

  6. I’m glad for your input. Obviously the one thing I disagree with you the most is the priority of Melee over ranged.

    Not only that since you only had the opportunity to use Veteran Sharpshooter, you never saw the benefits of Melee for the other clases. So sadly I will have to add that yes, Melee is a big part of the design of the game. Ogryns (the big guy) get shields and have passive buffs to team for Melee damage and shield regen. The other class, zealot, their melee gets stronger the lower the health gets. The psyker (magic caster) has unlimited spells but has to manage a danger meter or he goes down. Basically your favorite class is the one who benefits more from ranged combat but has Melee to fall back on.

    So I don’t think (from what I saw in the video and your thoughts) that you are gonna like the finished game because yea, most of the gameplay will be melee based and that’s how the devs designed it. Obviously don’t have anything against you, I’m glad you were honest with the input and you did bring up the movement punish from being damaged and the progression, which I agree are a problem. But this is Vermintide successor in the 40k with more guns. But if you give it a try later, there is gonna be more weapons, the beta was limited. And the big guy does have a second gun but progression means you unlock it later. So yea, I don’t think you are gonna like this one. But glad you tried it. I hope you give it a chance in the future.

  7. Interesting perspectives, but I feel compelled to point out that you're playing the Veteran Sharpshooter. Sharpshooter being a subclass of Veteran which specializes in picking off high priority targets in the crowd, while the melee classes hold back the crowd.
    A group with several of them will suffer, as will a group which doesn't work together and forces them to melee.
    So I feel that condemning the entire game because the specialized class you chose underperforms at tasks which aren't its specialty may be a bit hasty.

    And I will point out that your class has several abilities which you seemed to neglect which can make it much better at coping with crowds, such as grenades and melee push.

    Also, I leveled every class to level 4+, and it emphatically does not take 4 hours. It takes about 3 successful missions, which is around 1 hour when playing without a group (faster if you are).

    And, this wasn't the game, just a test. The actual game probably has a storyline and things of that nature, so I find it likely to have a bit more staying power than you anticipate.

  8. Coming from vermintide I’d prefer the game to be more hack and slash – a 75% 25% split sounds like a good balance to me. The guns are meant to be used to take out specials or long range enemies rather than being used to take out mobs. Guess it’s more understanding how the devs intend the game play to be rather than trying to run gun 75% of the time

  9. you see melee is suppose to be huge part of warhammer 40k there is a whole alien race that is considered a bunch of pussies/cowards cause they primarily fight ranged i think if they did what you said its probably alienate a lot of well 40k fans which is what the game is based on.

  10. I want it to be clear, that I still had A LOT of fun with Darktide and I am most definitely going to be playing it on release. Just a few things that bothered me, and I think it would hurt the gameplay loop, but we'll have to see! Thank you guys for the constructive opinions/comments.

  11. I played the beta and agreed with a lot of your points.

    Progression was absurdly slow.

    When it come to gun play I feel like the problem with darktide is level design.

    There is so much platforming and floors in this game, and small corridors, that you have a very limited window to do anything useful with ranged weapons.

    In Vermintide guns are used to shoot Elites. But what happens when elites shoot back, slow you down, and take cover? And fire from ledges in the dark that you can barely see? You get a nightmare melee fest, is what happens.

    I often found myself suppressed, from very awkward angles. Unable to get at the people shooting at me.

    Vermintide and left 4 dead had much more open fields and forests, and choke points etc. So often when playing this game, I felt enemies were literally appearing out of no where, dropping down over head, or climbing up behind me.

    Also, the dogs are too bloody fast to shoot, and it's dark as hell so it can be hard to see.

    Those are my thoughts.


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