10 Horror Movies Even More Disturbing Than You Thought

These movies are even bleaker than you imagined.

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43 thoughts on “10 Horror Movies Even More Disturbing Than You Thought”

  1. You may've undersold the Return of the living dead ending, and how the military trying to solve the issue by killing all our protagonists is going to doom the entire world to suffer zombies.

  2. Try reading a book. You have Let the Right One In completely wrong. The "handler" wasn't a childhood friend. He was a pedophile who was trying to atone for his past sins. In the sequel, Eli turns Oskar into a vampire. Also, Eli is a castrated male.

  3. Also with Let the right one in wouldn't Eli and Oskar have to go into hiding from social services and the cops for six years? No one would believe Oskar a boy who looks like a boy and is canonically 12 and therefore A MINOR would be the caretaker/familiar for Eli who always looks like a child due to her being a vampire.

  4. Grace has a gunshot wound in her hand and a stab wound in her shoulder that she couldnt have done herself. There's also bodies in the cellar that are decades old. Idk if the case even gets to trial

  5. Honestly, the idea of the Purge is horrific because people would still seek revenge outside Purge night, and it would make everyone terrified and hostile to one another. Any slight, at any time, could lead to someone coming to kill you later. Either you never interact with anyone or you make sure everyone knows coming after you is a big risk by being threatening or hostile to others all the time.

  6. yesssss #8! one of my all time favorites and extremely underrated. I always thought the ending was extremely clever, especially with the added bit about 'everything looking cleared, and the coming RAIN should wash everything away'. I like movies with an ending, I hate all the new "up to your interpretation" bs lol

  7. Re: Ready or Not, there is at least one corpse Grace can use to prove her story, and probably several others if there was an actual effort to search since the one we did see was found by Grace on sheer accident. So while she might not be totally believed, it's not like she can't prove anything at all.

  8. Someones already made the note that Let the Right One In's novel ends with Oskar being bitten. I was already leery of Let Me In on one of the last lists but LTROI definitely is more grim for being eternally vulnerable children

  9. my personal favorite has to be the thing. Depending on how you interpet how the alien takes over, it seems to suggest that all it would take is a single bite, or drop of blood getting into your body for you to be taken over. And if done slowly enough, you might not even realize your the thing untill you change.

  10. 10, Alien 3

    09, Let The Right One In

    08, Return of the Living Dead

    07, Fallen

    06, Ready Or Not

    05, 30 Days Of Night

    04, The Purge

    03, Pirhana

    02, The Final Destination

    01, Poltergeist

  11. Okay, sorry but Ready or Not on this list for the reason it is on the list is BS. There would be more than enough evidence in the house to show that she was at the worst acting entirely in self defense, and at best completely guiltless. The house had a ton of security cameras all over that showed her hiding/fighting for her life. Not to mention the years worth of decaying bodies on the property that there is 0% chance she could be connected to since some of them have been there since before she was born. Shm, if anything she should be on here for the lasting trauma of the situation.

  12. “30 Days of Night” is just such an underrated movie. I am a horror movie lover and this is still one of my top favorite movies – and probably my fave vampire movie. The vampires are brutal and relentless, cold and look like sharks out of water. Scary for sure. Such a great movie with an amazing ending. I love the fact that they live on an ancient ghost ship that floats around looking for victims.

  13. Regarding Ready Or Not, they have a pit of remains. Plus how else did they kill everyone else previously with no record. There would have to be something about missing cases or something? Those two together would go a long way to proving innocence.

  14. I will always remember that Chasin from fallen. When I was a kid it scared the crap out of me. The way it could move so fast being in a city so full of people. Time is on my side yes it is


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