10 Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Tips and Tricks That You SHOULD Know!

In this video, we’re going over 10 important tips and tricks in Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (Full Version) that everyone should know and are pretty crucial to having a successful DQM 3 journey! I definitely think this is a great starting point for all fans!

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End Screen Music: Coromon Ice Mountain Theme
Composer: https://www.youtube.com/c/DaviVasc
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31 thoughts on “10 Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince Tips and Tricks That You SHOULD Know!”

  1. 1. Get the dlc for the mole hole. Its, sadly, really really good.

    2. Pick up the metal slime for 10 mini medals. Its probably the best early game fusion material.

    3. The heal slime is great for the healer talent tree

    4. Fuse talent trees for advanced versions of afficianado and slasher skills

    5. Fortifier has oomphle(atk up for everyone). Its great for scouting

    6. Kaping(wis up for all) seems to be only available early on the sizz virtuoso tree. Also great for scouting

    7. And then theres sap also for scouting. Its easier to get tho

    8. You can stack stat buffs and stat debuffs more than once. So sap on enemy twice. Though im not sure if you can stack it more than 2 times.

  2. gonna repost the top-comment from another guide you had, because i really need help on this:

    "one thing id love explained is what skill/spells/attacks scale off of what

    for example, how i understand it right now, ONLY slashing damage scales off of attack? and ONLY spell-damage off wisdom. while breaths and non-specific damage doesnt scale off anything at all?

    healing seems to scale off wisdom? maybe?

    does harmful effect accuracy scale off wisdom like in mainline-dq? and what about harmful-effect-evasion? does that scale off wisdom?

    they really dont explain this well in the game. Id love to find some explanation or some spreadsheet online, but i cant seem to find anything."

  3. My tip is always throwing meat 🍖 instead of scouting before you've beaten a big hitter that way you can grind exp items and gold on your way to a big hitter and still have a decent chance of acquiring monsters.

  4. Spoilers maybe :
    #1 synthesis tip : only synthesis with reverse search AND make sure to put NO on possible combinations only and monsterpedia entries only ! Rank A/S/X monsters are only unique and by "normal" means I'd have never found that a demon at arms + jugular joker makes a hell gladiator since I fused my jugular joker to make a demons at arms, but by that way, the game told me I had to remake one to unlock a rank A since when looking at all I can make I see the Hell Gladiator there, and I now lack only a Jugular Joker !

  5. i've sunk 20 hours into the game atm. I would label it Shin Megami Tensei 5 meets Pokemon Arceus. It's got a pokemon arceus style of open world, with multiple zones and what not, but the rest is more shin megami.

  6. Evolve the shallow breather talent, which can be found on many low rank dragons. Next fuse the now evolved breather talent onto the strongest large monster you can find. Next put enough talent points to max out the breather talent so you have the deep breath, scorch and c-c-cold breath skills. Next go into your monster's A.I. and turn off all skills except for deep breath and your strongest breath attacks. Finally turn their tactics to "support allies".

    Your large monster will now breathe deeply, then do a double damage massive breath attack to all enemies in the same turn. This works even better if your monster has the frizzmeister/crackmeister passive. I was ending boss battles in 1 or 2 turns this way all the way through the mid game.

    Remember to synthesize your large monster with another large monster every so often to raise their stats so they dont die too easily.

  7. While not something to rely on, here's a tip I just learned! Damage reflection from Spiky Body bypasses defense. So if you're having trouble downing early metal slimes, even though they don't run immediately, you can bring Spiky Body monsters to reflect damage back to the slimes, ignoring their defense, and beating them that way. Just watched a metal slime KO itself against my Cactiball, taking 5 reflect damage lol

  8. My best advice for people is to use buffs and debuffs! Using both Kabuff and Attack Attacker will make an otherwise one shot turn attack into a wet noodle. Gobstopper (no breath attacks) can hamper certain enemies to turn them completely trivial. Debuffs and buffs matter in this game.

  9. If you're thinking of synthesizing one of your monsters, but one of its talents just has a FEW points left until it's maxed, consider grinding that last little bit to get the rest of the way there before you commit to synthesis. Having maxed talents can occasionally unlock upgraded forms of them for the offspring–most commonly any talents tagged "Aficionado", or the talents that revolve around simply boosting one stat in particular like Attack or Defence. These upgraded forms have higher point caps and stronger abilities, some of them even BEGINNING with learning the skill that was the ultimate capstone of the previous talent.

  10. I'm just mind blown these fucking asshats had the audacity to have shit carry over… when absolutely nothing carries over. Glad I waited until one week before launch to play the demo, I feel god awful for some people that grinded for months.


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