10 Bizarre Medieval Beliefs

In the future, it’s very likely people will be writing articles about the world of today and all the silly things we believed, just as we can now look at some of the things people in the medieval world believed and wonder how we ever survived as a species.

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24 thoughts on “10 Bizarre Medieval Beliefs”

  1. In 2022 if you live in the south (United States) they believe if you are stupid and uneducated, that is also a virtue, and you are actually smarter than the intelligent and educated.

  2. I wonder what the Scottish who believed that tale of coming from Egypt would have said if they'd actually met a middle eastern person or even a North African person which was the common Egyptian. That would have probably twisted their head a little bit.

  3. Fun thing about the belief that raw fruit and vegetables caused disease is they weren't wrong just misguided. Medieval people would use dangerous fertilizers such as raw sewage to grow crops which would contaminate their food unless cooked.

  4. What, the actual,,
    I would love to see Simon tell of the lineage as he did for the Scots @3:15, and recite calmly then dissolve into saying nonsense and random words, all the time picking up speed and volume, with ever exaggerating hand gestures a la Monty Python, then melts into pudding. What will people say about us in 400 years indeed.

  5. I look forward to Simons great great great grand child doing this segment on one of his inherited 500 channels Factboi left him, in 2100 regarding crazy beliefs in 2022 > …It will last for days 😳😱☹️ At least the people back then didnt know any better, crazy people dont have that excuse now a days and its embaressing and danner..

  6. Although often repeated on YouTube, the salamander they spoke of must have been a mythical creature because anywhere what we would today call salamanders were available they could have easily tested the truth of it. They might have been somewhat less technologically advanced but that's just common sense ffs.

  7. The whole Salamander thing persists, – as mythology at least – today. One of my fave sci-fi characters is nicknamed The Salamander by the in universe press due to her tendency to "be where the fire is hottest".

  8. The vegetable lamb reminds me of the barnacle goose, which also persisted for many centuries. Part of the reason for this is that there's a vague resemblance in shape, and another because geese are migratory birds and they didn't see them nesting.


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