10.2 NEW Class REWORKS/Changes

10.2 NEW Class REWORKS/Changes



43 thoughts on “10.2 NEW Class REWORKS/Changes”

  1. As a DH main, i really don't like the 15% absorb on blade dance, since we spam it so much, its just going to get nerfed, i hope they just remove it before it hits ladder. I dont want a billion noob dhs

  2. i swear all they know how to do is nerf ret damn it right when we got some single target killing power in pvp mfs nerf if fuck the dot all together if need to i want final verdict buffs tired of being cleave monsters f that

  3. I do well in solo shuffle on demo, when all know what I'm doing and understand ramp up time. No matter what, even with all the damage increases, there is little a lock can do vs. a sub rogue and war, chaining cc's… the hard casting required a bonus to damage long ago… I would preferred reduced cast times, two gates, or something to settle the chain cc's from multiple melee, but when its vs. ranged or casters… sheeeet, demo rules. Don't be confused, the skills are importants but no amount of increased damage bonus is going to fix getting chained for 18 seconds until your impish instincts portal resets… i feel bad for the healer… don't ask what the other dps is doing, usually not a damn thing.

  4. maximum of liquid world first guild leader is right now on twitch boosting a DH right before the rework goes on ptr you know DH is going to be broken you can bet he has inside information.

    why would a guild leader of a world first guild waste time boosting a dh if he didnt have inside information?

  5. If they let this dh go in the ladder like that a lot of players are not going to be happy such a stupid change ,this class is broken and atm pretty much braindead for playing ,frost dk is 0 and they nerfing it its a joke ,seems like blizzard developers never stepped in arena

  6. The spectral sight change isn't so great, if its intention is to be used as a 1.5 min buff fused with fodder sure, but in bgs and arenas its a long cd for utility. Shorter cd is more realistic, thankfully realz the dh dev said its not final

  7. Every time I get excited by the tier set of ele shaman in a new patch the joy lasts a week till Blizzard decide to redesign it and make it worse… for both pve and pvp ele shaman doesn't need more aoe damage, first tier 4 was great, but now… why would I cast chain lightning to a player just to cast after 3 lava burst that will do only 50% of the damage in pvp scenario?

  8. THANKGOD! so glad blizz decided to address the the concerns pertaining to resto shaman nerfs(cause obvs they're too good atm), that a majority of the community was complaining about. Also changing the ele set that wasnt in need of changing was very insightful on their part…. There has to be genuine chimpanzees working at blizz correct? Because I just cant see people with the right amount of chromosomes making these types of changes.


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