1 Samuel 14:36-46 – The Futility and Folly of Legalism

A lesson on the folly of legalism in contrast to true religion, which involves following the Lord from a position of humility, with convictions formed on the basis of His word. As we continue in our study of 1st Samuel today, we see the foolishness of what happens when one follows their own desires, using God and holiness as a pretext for their own sinful agenda. With the Philistines now driven away, Saul was deciding on the next course of action. The Israelites, already frustrated and exhausted by his overbearing and tyrannical imposition not to eat, had lost any desire to continue to follow his commands, and so they simply respond in essence, “do as you will.” But when Saul sought an answer from the Lord and received only silence, he sought the identity of the one who had caused this, only to discover it to be Jonathan his son. And Saul’s legalistic wrath would prove to turn the people of Israel against him.

Saul wanted to appear religious and zealous for God, yet inwardly he was motivated by greed and an insatiable desire to stroke his own ego. He had sworn a curse against anyone who had eaten before the Philistines were wiped out, yet he was so blinded by his desire to be seen as someone great that he would not spare even his own son the sentence of death for a capricious rule not founded on anything God had commanded. This is what legalism does. It appears outwardly righteous, but serves the idol of one’s own heart and imagination, not Yahweh. It is destructive, manipulative, and a violation of God’s command to not add to His word.

How are we to avoid legalism in our own lives? No doubt, we must admit that we are susceptible. Recognizing the freedom God has given us in Christ, we are to use that freedom not to impose burdens on others, but to serve Him. It starts by humbling ourselves before the Lord, not acting rashly, but examining Scripture in light of its totality, for we know that all of Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness. And if we believe that it is sufficient (and it is), then we must not add to God’s word where He is silent, nor be silent where God speaks. Our convictions must be shaped and consistent with His word, lest we reap the consequences of following after a god of our own imagination. With love for Yahweh, driven by faith from the heart, and tempered with graciousness, we should seek to follow His instruction. Not with mere eyeservice before man or God (for God knows the heart), but with a sincere desire to do that which is good and pleasing to Him; His word instructs us how we are to live.


1 thought on “1 Samuel 14:36-46 – The Futility and Folly of Legalism”

  1. Wow. What a great sermon! You answered a lot of questions for me. I wish I was your next door neighbor. 😊. Anyway, from now on, I’m going to post a reply to every video you post because I believe that helps with spreading your message because of the utube algorithms. So if in the future you see an “amen” just know that it means way more than that.


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