1 HOURS Orchestra Music – BattleCry. Battle Orchestral Music Mix #11

➝ Spotify (Beautiful Orchestral): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/53D5Y2FdFLfcQPc146Xpst?si=bff50070bf874fb7&nd=1
➝ Spotify (EPIC MUSIC): https://open.spotify.com/playlist/28rEK5OxVacTeR8OW1UaCw?si=hpVXr3bBRIW8KCqPjm4R8Q&nd=1
00:00 Morning Star
02:44 Sacrifice – Dream Cave
04:51 Spare None
07:11 The Reaping – Jon Bjork
09:27 They came at Night
12:17 To War! – Jo Wandrini
16:15 Two Steps From Hell – Across the Blood Water
19:49 The Reaping – Jon Bjork
22:05 Sacrifice – Dream Cave
24:12 Mercury Rising
26:25 Defending the Keep – Jon Bjork
28:51 Controlled Collision – Dream Cave
30:39 End of Days – Dream Cave
#epicorchestral #orchestra #cinematicmusic #orchestramusic


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