00:00:07 After Midnight the UFO Ships Head Towards Earth

There seems to be a pattern of something Great taking place with the Sun and the Earth.







23 thoughts on “00:00:07 After Midnight the UFO Ships Head Towards Earth”

  1. Gina, how long have you been recording? I had sensed 2 or 3 of them arriving about 7 years ago. It was a strange sense, like Carol Ann from the movie Poltergeist when she turned around and said β€œthey’re here”. I have also seen them coming in and going out through a dark area near the BigDipper. This was in 2015-2017. Can you confirm?

  2. Hi Gina…my very first thought was that it’s our Space Force or/ and it could be the Galactics, our brothers and sisters in space. We have nothing to worry about though. God is still in control and either way I do not believe we will be harmed in any way.πŸ™πŸ’œπŸ™

  3. My job here may be different than yours Gina but I can say for those like me here…those are our future selves.
    Something to tuck in the pocket for later reference ☺️ there's LOTS of different species here.
    Everyone and I mean everyone is here.

  4. The only ship I know of longer than earth is called the Phoenix.
    I'm aware of The New Jerusalem as well.
    Earth is not a ship in the sense it sounds…it's a timeship.
    Mother Gaia is a living being and the Schumann shows all her activity. Which in turn indicates what's happening inside of us. Every solar flash is taking place inside of us.

  5. I am so happy to have found this channel. I have been feeling so much awareness that something is coming. I am mesmerized by the sky lately. Does anyone else feel the clouds just have a different look about them now? So much depth and dimension like never before? My husband thinks I am nuts but I am glad that I’m not the only one that knows there is something coming soon.


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