The 5 WORST cards in Marvel SNAP

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44 thoughts on “The 5 WORST cards in Marvel SNAP”

  1. What about Cyclops just puts a random card on the other side to the top of your opponent’s deck and refunding the cost, making him most useful at the end of the game while also being balanced on if you really wanna throw him down last turn or your boss

  2. Personally, I think Hazmat is better than all the other cards in the mix. At least I can win with it when double ongoing/on reveal locations are featured. Drop a wong then hazmat then odin. All those opposing tigers become fall into the negatives and bam. Won with only 3 cards on board.

  3. when it goes to the comic book abilities, idk exactly why cyclops has no abilities at all. Like, we know that from Misty Knight, Hulk, Abomination, and the Thing are just pure strength people. So, we know why they have no abilities, but still some kind of high strength.

    And look at the cyclops, does he have some strength like the thing or misty knight? His power is not his strength, it's his ability. His laser from his eyes.

  4. Cyclops re-work that has him on reveal destroy all cards directly in front of him, like a single line up the board and including your own cards if played 3rd or 4th to a location

  5. Yellowjacket is a really underwhelming card, 0 cost for 0 power unless u play it on an empty location, dosn't synergy with patriot or any reveal strategy whatsoever, clearly a big L

  6. Ability for Cyclops: On reveal AND Ongoing: If this ability is removed (does not trigger), +4 power (or whatever feels balanced)

    Gameplay: a counter to counter cards

    Lore: His glasses give him the ability to not kill everyone while he wears them, So when you "Silence" him, he gets "stronger" (more dangerous). We don't have a real Silence in Snap, but Enchantress, Cosmo, and such are close to that.

  7. Crystal specifically is the only (I think) way to reshuffle cards you want in your deck for cards like Lockjaw, for example.
    Could also be the top end of a really low curve and straight up draw three with little to no downside.

  8. Hazmat really only works well as a last ditch card or with a convoluted Wong setup, but I think Fury has his uses. I run a Dracula/Morbius discard deck that relies on Dracula getting a good discard at end game. So having more high power cards in my hand would help with that. (Right now I run it with Apocalypse/America Chavez) But, niche uses aside, I do think that if they lowered his cost and maybe gave you one 6-cost say maybe a 4/6 instead of a 5/7, he would be much more useful. Or even 3/6 and make him the other side of the Sword Master coin. But I have a feeling if he was 3/6 it would make White Queen obsolete.

  9. This is super weird but what if Cyclops had a move enemy ability that worked only on the middle row. Something like "On Reveal: Move a random card from the middle lane to the opposite lane of cyclops"

    And the lazer beam went in the direction away from where he's played, pushing that enemy to the farthest lane from him.

  10. Honestly Cyclops should be a 3/1 with an ability which is on reveal: destroy a random card from both sides on this location which makes sense considering his power it's also makes him like a more reliable gambit with a drawback


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