How To Deal With Disappointment | The Leader's Cut w/ Preston Morrison

No matter what stage of life, we all deal with disappointment. We expected things to go one way, but it happened differently than we planned. So what do we do now? First, we have to understand what is true disappointment? Where can disappointment be found? Is disappointment wrong? And ultimately, how should we deal with disappointment?


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Pillar Church is led by Preston Morrison and located in Scottsdale, Arizona. On this channel, you’ll find Preston Morrison’s sermons, his podcast The Leaders Cut, and appearances from our friends like Tim Ross, and more!

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29 thoughts on “How To Deal With Disappointment | The Leader's Cut w/ Preston Morrison”

  1. Oh my goodness. This hits home. I was dating the man I thought I would marry. The Lord thru a series of events and a Tim Keller sermon on idolatry, revealed that I had made him an idol. I broke it off with him and God affirmed me in the most tangible way. I experienced joy that was not mine alongside my grief. He came back later and due to my harsh and ill timed words, he broke it off. I detached from my feelings and buried my deep disappointment. I backslid. Ten years later I married an unbeliever to get out of an awful roommate situation. It went as well as you would expect. It lasted 3.5 years before he divorced me. So here I am, almost 20 years since I fumbled the love of my life, I surrendered my life to God. Immediately to the refiner's fire. This loss came to surface and revealed my deep brokenness. I never even realized that I had overlooked the surrender of my Isaac only to marry an Ishmael. If I was going to disobey why did I not at least marry the one I loved? An aside is that I married not 6 months AFTER GOD miraculously rescued me from a financial mess. Anyway now I have been so broken and grieved over my FOOLISHNESS. I am so grateful for the love of God in Christ. I see better now my greater need for a Savior. I still grieve the loss of my love but know God collects my tears. I have to surrender it over and over. I have had to fight depression. I tend to plow through and keep moving. This disappointment won't let me. The love of God is the only comfort I have. I believe He is purifying my heart and this will all work for good. I feel resurrected since surrendering to the Lord. Two decades of just existing because I buried my hurt.

    Hearing this message really feels like it was directed to me. Makes me even more confident that God hears my prayers, cares about me and will work this to His glory and my good.

  2. Started 2024 so hopeful and ready to change mentally from my divorce and just all the pain from 2023. Quickly into the year my Dad passed and this has been a year to say the least. Just continue to pray that I continue to accept grief as apart of my life. I have grown so well this year but hurt so much in my heart. 2025 I’m hoping God provides me a year of miracles.

  3. This came just in time. I've been praying to God and telling him that I'm really struggling to trust people and I often feel misunderstood. I just want to block everyone out because I always feel hurt. I really need him to help me renew my mind

  4. I need prayer for getting a car! I try not ask for prayer for material things (and I’m learning there’s nothing wrong with that when you have the right heart about it) but I’m noticing that God is open certain doors for me to be able to save and achieve this goal of mine, I just don’t want to mess it up! Pray for me yall I need it 😅

  5. PRESTON. THIS EPISODE BROUGHT ME TO T E A R S. SO GOOD. Where the Holy Spirit took you was exactly for me. 🥲Keep doing these!! Love listening to what God puts on your heart every week!!!

  6. Thank you Pastor Preston. I was on my knees with God yesterday dealing with my disappointments. For a year I felt strongly to quit my job. I decided to do so. Thought I can continue to do my studies as soon as I quit my job and finally do what I hope for. Ending up got rejected twice. Now in my waiting period, I start worrying if I get disappointed again and what to do next. Your message is just what I needed to hear and now I can finally calm down and trust God with His plans.

  7. God’s message through you is revealing. God wants to heal your pain, the enemy wants you to numb it. Turn towards God in your disappointment. 🔥

    I’m constantly reminded of God’s timing not mine. I don’t understand His plans but look forward to the day my son’s find faith in Him. What a glorious day that will be.

    Now I understand what my mom went through waiting for me to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior in my life. ❤

  8. Godfather, I really needed this. ✝️🐑🛡❤️‍🩹 I watched this and it's like medicine to my heart. My heart is injured; I'm living life with a broken heart and my heart feels like a tomb. But I'm learning how to accept Yahweh's Healing and gain His Heaven-Perspective and lose living life through the lens of a broken heart.

    There's so many gold Heaven Nuggets you mined from Yahweh's Heart through The Leading of The Holy Spirit:

    "I know that God is with me, and I'm not going to allow my disappointment to destroy me."

    "The fact that it wasn't worse than this is is because of God."

    Godfather, Yahweh Spoke to my heart last night in Teaching me to think and say "The LORD is Seeing to it." And as long as I'm wholeheartedly letting Him See to everything, it's going to end up how He Desires it to. And at this point, I just desire what Yahweh Desires for me, because He has my best interest at heart. And when I live in His Best Interest at Heart for me, I live in His Best Interest at Heart for others. When I let Yahweh have my back, I let Him have others' backs too because I'm not letting the enemy weaponize my disappointment and pain towards myself and others.

    "Don't let the enemy convince you that just because Lazarus is dead now that he's going to be dead for the rest of his life." This is where I currently am at. The enemy keeps trying his hand at this tug-of-war but Yahweh Keeps on Victoriously Tugging back. I desire what Yahweh Desires for me. And I don't know what that all entails, but I still desire His Desires for me. I know what He Desires for me far surpasses anything I could ever desire for myself. And as I'm typing this out, I realize how ridiculous I sound because I need to be desiring Yahweh above His Desires for me. Psalms 37:4 NKJV

    "[4] Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." When I delight myself in Yahweh, my desires become His Desires for me.

    "A healthy expectation involves my emotions not being attached to my desired outcome. Healthy expectations are really less about outcome and more about God. See, I think we set our expectations too high when we get too specific in our hearts and minds about our desired outcome. When we script everything so specifically, we're just making more room for disappointment."

    "I would rather wait longer for the right thing than get so dialed up in my expectations for a thing that I end up lowering my bar for that thing and chasing the wrong thing and being left to deal with the disappointment of not receiving the fullness of what God Wanted to Give me."

    Gratefulness is such a huge Biblical transformational spiritual approach to disappointment, pain, and adversity. "It is a lie to believe that if i am unhappy about one thing that I cannot be happy about anything. But when we turn our expectation for something into an idol – when we don't receive that thing – we can become convinced, "well then, I'm going to be unhappy about everything."

    "Healthy humans learn how to protect their overall happiness while allowing occasional unhappiness. I'm not going to let the enemy have the victory. Just because I lose one thing, doesn't mean I am going to allow him to steal the joy I have in everything else God has Given me and done for me. You've got to protect your happiness. You can't let the enemy rip you of like that. I get it, and I have been where you are. It hurts, and it can be dark. Don't let it be dark any longer."

    "Am I asking God how to move forward? This is the beginning of a turning point in disappointment where we're bringing God into it. And it starts with a question: Am I asking God how to move forward? Many people stay stuck too long in disappointment because they wait too long to ask God how to get unstuck and detach from the disappointment. We must be careful how we deal with disappointment because if we remain in a state of disappointment for too long, it can turn into discouragement, then despair, and eventually depression. Disappointment is not a sin, nor is it ungodly; but, you know what can become ungodly? When I don't bring God into my disappointment."

    "Turn toward God in your disappointment. Psalm 34:18 (NLT) – "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed." Want to learn what I've learned when I don't turn towards God in my disappointment? I've learned that hiding from God when you're hurting leads to hurting even more for even longer."

    "I've also learned a more powerfully dangerous truth when I don't turn towards God in my disappointment or any human chooses not to turn towards God in disappointment: if you don't turn towards God in your disappointment, you'll turn towards anything you think will numb your pain. He is close to the brokenhearted. I don't understand why we take the enemy's bait when we're hurting and we're disappointed and the enemy comes in and tells us it's going to hurt even more to bring God into it… it's a lie. It's never been right, and every time I keep God distant from my disappointment, it only perpetuates my disappointment, and I experience it for even longer. And if that goes on for long enough, the pain increases. The condition of humanity is often such that the more the pain escalates, the more we start looking for a way to numb it. God Wants to Heal your pain. The enemy wants you to numb your pain. Don't take his bait today. Anytime you are willing to numb the pain God Wants to Heal, you are only and always creating more pain. Turn towards God in your disappointment – not away from Him." 🎯

    "Tell God about your disappointment. Don't hold it back from Him. Don't just turn towards Him. Let it rip. The preacher of Ecclesiastes teaches us to lament our disappointment. Do you know what the word lament means? It means to give an honest faith-filled complaint to God. To cry is human; to lament is Christian. This is what we do as believers. I wish more believers would learn the language of lament. We're so busy trying to be good little boys and little girls that we just keep all of our lament inside. You know what that does? It creates disease in our heart."

    "He absolutely welcomes you raising your voice around Him. I don't throw my words at Him like a weapon – I just get the words out of my heart that the enemy would love to weaponize against me. Expressing our disappointments to God is the opposite of harboring them in our souls. Maybe between now and the end of the year, you need to just take some time and lament. You're the ra-ra type, and you always just want to be the one in the room that's encouraging and positive and uplifting – and you're disappointed, and you're holding back your disappointment from God. It might shock you to hear that The King of the universe is Saying, you know what I would like to Receive from you this Christmas? Lament. I want you to use the language of lament."

    "Trust God in spite of your disappointment. The rest of the story has not been told. You don't know if tomorrow will be the day He Raises Lazarus from the dead. You don't know if tomorrow will be the day that the husband that has run away who has hurt you but you deeply desire to reconnect with and to work through the pain with and to bring God more into the center of the relationship more than ever before with – you don't know if tomorrow might be the day. In today's disappointment, do not make assumptions about God's Divine Moves tomorrow. You don't know what He's going to Do. He might Render you speechless tomorrow. I wake up every morning expecting this: His Mercies are new. I'm going to see a side of Him I haven't seen before today. I'm going to see something new. And in the midst of a fallen world, I'm going to be disappointed at least once today. But I'm not going to put my trust in my desired outcomes. I'm going to put my trust in my God alone. Do you Lament to God? Do you realize what He's Doing? Lament is a prayer for God to Act."

    "You are not alone. The Spirit of God is on The Scene. He is with you. He dwells in you. His Oil has been Poured Out on you. His Power has been Extended to you. His Commitment is eternal to you. His Love is never-ending for you. His Desire to Heal your hurts of disappointment is immeasurable. In your tears, would you just let Him have Access to that part of your heart?"

    "He is with you – don't push away from Him. In your heart, move towards Him right now. Don't seek all the answers. Don't try and learn all the why's. Seek His Face. This can be Healed…you just have to let Him.

    "Lazarus might be dead today, but God just may Raise him up tomorrow. Don't stare at Lazarus' grave any longer. Fall at The Feet of Jesus, and pray "Thy will be done, oh Lord – even if it hurts." Godfather, Yahweh is Teaching me that not all pain is bad; His Divine Surgery on my heart hurts but will undoubtedly Bring about His Divine Healing into not only my heart's caverns, but also into others' heart caverns. His Healing is contagious, way more than anything, including COVID.

    "Thank You for being so Present. In a fallen world, You don't just come in handy – You're Essential."

    "No matter how much disappointment we have felt or are presently feeling, we put our eyes on You and say, "You are Good. Your Goodness is not in question even in the midst of our badness. You are Good. Thank You for being Present in the midst of our brokenheartedness.""

    "The darker it seems, the more you need to pray. He is with you. His Heart is Turned towards you. Turn yours towards Him, especially if you're disappointed."

    Godfather, thank you for wholeheartedly allowing Yahweh to Speak through you. Thank you for wholeheartedly allowing Yahweh use you to destroy the enemy's schemes. And Godfather, as always, I love you so, so much, too. 🐑💜

  9. I loved this one especially! It's dear to my heart. After my miscarriage I yelled at God "You could have stopped this but you didn't! This is how you treat those that belong to you? I do not want to talk to you right now, I will be back, but right now I just don't want to talk to you!" Boy did I have a lot to learn 30 years ago but I did something right, I let my Lord know the devastation I felt and I learned that he walks through the valleys with us. He never promised us an easy life. I believe surrender has been learned through all the years of trials. Thank you for always speaking life into God's people! I enjoy your podcasts so much!

  10. Hello! ❤ I really need prayer: I started to feel discouragement and anxiety about what is to come in my life and about my calling. Things are definitely not easy, but I used to feel hope and peace, knowing He is in control. Rebuking these spirits seems not enough. Something is off.. please pray for me, and if God discovers something to you, please let me know. Thank you ❤


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