HasanAbi Reacts to The Alt-Right Playbook: The Cost of Doing Business

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Hasan’s reaction to The Alt-Right Playbook: The Cost of Doing Business by Innuendo Studios.
Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCl33v5969M

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43 thoughts on “HasanAbi Reacts to The Alt-Right Playbook: The Cost of Doing Business”

  1. 50:35 deserves a broken jaw. Huge props to the man he was talking to while letting the N word slip for just walking away even though I wished he would have knocked him out. He says it so frequently it's his default word to say. Makes sense, every guy I've met who works for entergy, has been prejudice af. I do live in the south though

  2. how uncanny. i go to a public university in west texas and just this morning we had a white nationalist archetype standing outside the library with a loudspeaker spewing hateful reactionary bullshit. being a hardcore leftie, typical hasan fan, i just kept quiet and observed because i knew trying to engage with the guy would just give him the publicity he was looking for. seeing the way other white liberals were engaging the dude was disturbingly similar to how innuendo studios described the college campus grifter/triggered lib dynamic. the grifter's just there to piss people off and get on zoomers' tik tok posts, and the triggered lib is trying to rebut issues of systemic racism with absolutely no fucking idea of how structural racism even works, resorting to the same level of name calling and yelling, ultimately achieving nothing of value. don't get me wrong, i 100% support the act of fucking with and pissing off conservatives. i just think it needs to be done in a different way, which is not diplomacy. instead, lefties now need to gaslight these hateful reactionaries. when engaging in debate, listen to them but in the most condescending way possible. smile, lightly giggle, break eye contact from time to time, check your phone, yawn etc. a lack of interest signifies that you have infantilized them. this intimidates the fuck out of them and they tend to break down faster when psychological tactics are employed. the first to break down loses the debate. just see how hassan debated andrew tate. hasan didn't win because he made good points; he won because tate lost his cool.

  3. running it how the narrator of the featured piece recommends is simply repeating recent failed history – that path leads nowhere in the us senate …other than exactly where we are right now – the consolidation of ID [lgbt ex cia, asian techie, black male and female career pols, and 3 flavors of white women] consolidated to joe to make bernie a mathematical impossibility before the primary even hit the east coast.

    i'm very aware that a small minority of affluent people absolutely love where we are right now, they have a right to their opinion – but if you're a part of the huge majority that needs Freedom, don't let the affluent minority disingenuously lure you into acting against your own best interest. it's time for the identity of Freedom for All to UNITE US. VOTE FOR A CURRENCY BACKED BY THE PRODUCTION OF FREEDOM FOR ALL

  4. 24:15 The FBI literally came to SecondThought's house because he made a video that was SO incredibly critical of the CIA, but this chatter thinks he's a grifter because he rightly points out that leftists should spend their time with more important things than cancelling famous people. Fucking HATE liberals, especially when they think they're socialists.

  5. I think the term Latino/Latine Latinx will always be a tool of white supremacy to erase the fact that the brown people of those countries are actually the real majority of the americas. We’re not Latin we have nothing to do with that dead language and barley have any Spanish so we’re not Hispanic either, WE ARE INDIGENOUS!

  6. As soon as I heard fascist I remembered the argument I have with someone earlier on this site, they were saying hitler was a fucking communist not a fascist and I was like homie he was a fat right fascist and he said back no he was left wing like brother r

  7. I'm 22, being literally raised throughout the height of U.S Islamaphobia, that part at the end about how shocking it is Oz is running on a republican ticket is kinda crazy.
    I remember my 4th grade teacher literally telling the class all Muslims are bad and anti-american.

  8. Honestly a great video, next time I have to explain this shit to white people, I might just send them to this video. Now if only we could get this shit into elementary and middle schools.

  9. Not only the failure of the war on terrorism was a disaster the right don't bring it up because Trump keeps claiming he 100% took out ISIS and made the Taliban promise to be on their best behavior…..

  10. As someone who escaped the alt-right pipeline, I have to say he is very accurate of how people fall into it. It was super easy to fall back when you were slowing making gains on ways of thinking. It is in fact a real struggle, thrown in some mental health issues and some drugs/alcohol making it difficult to think critically and you may never get out of it.

  11. My uncles were at the rally on Jan 6. They went back to their hotel after the rally.

    They still say it was ANTIFA.

    They still say the election was stolen.

    I've watched the videos They send and spent hours looking up the claims and debunking them. In response, they just send more videos that are just as full of bullshit.

    Of course, they are the same type of people who think people lived with dinosaurs, so…

  12. The topic of this video, I think, is also extremely valuable for explaining why white moderates confuse anti-racists with reverse racists. When you’re white in a country like this one, you can pretend that white supremacy doesn’t exist, but even if you aren’t directly using it it isn’t doing nothing. When you step forward it walks with you, empowering your motions like a kind of black magic to well beyond what you should be capable of, and it does this without you having to think about it for a second. And the thing card-carrying racists and antifa sorts share is their acknowledgment of racism and deliberate use of the power white supremacy grants them. If you’ve been to a protest with significant numbers of white people in attendance you’ve seen this in action – they know they’re white and they’re making use of it to protect the people they’re with. And to the uneducated, who have been taught that racism is the acknowledgment of skin colour, that appears to be racist. But it isn’t, any more than the use of money to fund revolutionaries is capitalist.

    They know they have a resource, and that they need every advantage to crack the system that gave out those advantages in the first place.


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