Occupy Mars S1 Ep29

WE build some wind mills and make some suit battery’s while scrapping we find a water bottle cool …

Occupy Mars S1 Ep28

We put in some Items from the new update and roll the truck & move the pumpkins source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep26

we put up some signs and do some gardening and try to lead a tornado away from the …

Occupy Mars S1 Ep25

We work on the base and plant some pumpkins and do some mining source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep24

Harvest cabbage and scrapping a base also have to mine our way out of a jam source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep23

We do some farming in greenhouse and big dome also some scrapping & running form meteor shower source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep14

We work on the 3rd base and loot near by bases to get circuit boards source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep11

We take a trip west looking for a new base site and just survive a tornado source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep10

Short video on mining with Rocket fuel and we get lost in a Alien cave source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep9

We take a 30,000 meter trip and we roll the rover Solar storms are bad source

Occupy Mars S1 Ep8

We grow beet roots from start to finish and we have a tornado. source