Toy Box Palette of Humanity : Foamy The Squirrel

Yaโ€™ll need to learn how to share!

Thanks to everyone for the support! Itโ€™s extremely needed while I heal up.

**NOTE For folks waiting on Foamy stuff, new episodes are still being released as normal while I heal up, go for tests and all sorts of things, Currently, simple tasks are fairly uncomfortable to do, including sitting and animating, so each episode, even the short ones are literally painful to make. But Iโ€™m still working on stuff. Itโ€™s either that or I stare at the ceiling all day while I lay in bed ๐Ÿ™
So hopefully things will get better moving forward and I can get back to doing work as usual. So hang in there, Iโ€™m tryinโ€™ to ๐Ÿ™‚
All the Links, 1 spot:

(Support if you can, Iโ€™m just one person doing all this) ๐Ÿ™‚


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30 thoughts on “Toy Box Palette of Humanity : Foamy The Squirrel”

  1. There are those who just wanna fight, politically or religiously or whatever, and there are people who'd love to ban other palettes to ever been seen or heard of again. Does that make sense with the analogy?
    We teach actual children to share and there are adults who would rather die than share. Maybe a bit too broad with that last one, but does that also make sense?

  2. I dont remember where i heard this (it may have been here actually) but its worth saying "A sheltered life is a damaged life." if you are living life sheltered from experience and knowledge of things outside of your comfort zone you are actively hurting yourself.

  3. Sharing toys with permission ๐Ÿ‘
    Sharing toys without permission ๐Ÿ‘Ž
    Some parts of a culture (articles of clothing, ritual objects for example) aren't meant to be shared. Or they can be shared but need to come with an education on proper use. When a majority and often oppressive culture uses those kinds of things without permission and without reverence for their meaning its disrespectful.

  4. always thought it was kind of weird people want to separate themselves into a certain "community" and then will complain that they are being separated and not being included in society or they get upset when they dont get treated special bc they are a part of a certain "community"

  5. Labels. That's why. We reduce everyone to a label and forget there's a person beyond the labels. (I keep telling people they're allowed to explore my ancestry. Wear ponchos. Have quinceaรฑeras. Pick cotton. Listen and dance to German polkas in Spanish. I, as a representative, give everyone permission that they didn't need to have in the first place.)

  6. Foamy, i have been a huge fan over many years, the issue is that some people tell other people that they dont get to have colors at all, some people tell other people that they need to use particular colors only, the arabs LITTERLY stoped us the tmazight from even having a flag of blue and yellow and red so they can have a black greed and red one with the Islamic symbol in the meddle of it and now they wanna say that we never existed we are just arabs like them, no matter how many DNA tests we show them they deny our existence, not every one deserves to be allowed colors according to them, some people should sit in the corner before they can even begin to learn what sharing is

  7. I had no idea artists were at eachother over such a basic little fad, but I do agree people need to learn to let go of things instead of "trying to, and gatekeeping being, 'unique'" instead of being like, "oh cool we like the same things, what else do we have in common that we can share?" Feels like people forgot how to share.

  8. It is not within human nature to share, foamy. It's in our nature to desire power to attain our own materialistic goals and narcissistic and selfish needs at the expense of others, and those who do not comprehend this, and actually try to be good like you describe, end of being the most used and abused people on the planet.

    Vigilance and tribalism, when viewed through the lens of protecting and nurturing our own, can help mitigate these actions, but few truly understand this. I will say our Elites know this, which is why they keep everyone else out of their "club," and they will emphatically target anyone threatening to "break their toys."


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