Stranded DEEP EP13 "Island Farming"

On vacation until August 9; back on the 10th. Here’s an episode to keep it going. We make the bow and some arrows. Work great on the sharks. More storage and a lot of resources recovered.


13 thoughts on “Stranded DEEP EP13 "Island Farming"”

  1. I never had anything despawn on the ground so I am not sure where your potato plants went 😥
    I had a Huge raft lol.. there were 15 of the crate holders on it so I could carry 45 crates. If you put all the holders in the front of the raft, it can be difficult to see exactly where you are going. Just FYI. The rudder/motor does not need to be on the back of the raft. I built my raft with all the crate spaces behind me so I could see ahead of me when sailing. You can place a foundation directly behind your rudder and still use the rudder just fine.
    The yacht does have another area, but you can't see the stairs on yours because all the rocks are in the way. There is a stair going down outside on the back deck of the yacht.
    Yes, there can be more than 1 shark around your island. It seems to me that there was a shark for each large wreck. They swim in an area around their wreck.
    Nice job on the sharks 😀 Seems the bow works really well for you . You are doing a great job Radio ❤

  2. Yes, once potatoes are picked, they and the fruits rot away. For bigger water containers you'll need to start mining clay. Clay nodes look a lot like rock nodes and can often be found in shallow water.

  3. In addition to clay pots there is also a leather flask you can make to water plants. I've noticed that it usually rains enough that I don't have to water the plants.

  4. I've noticed a few minor changes in the game since I last Played (about 18 months ago), but I think the rules for potatoes are pretty much the same. If you harvest them and leave them on the ground they will go bad and disappear back into the ground. However, if you put them in a crate they will still go bad but they won't disappear and you can still use them to plant or make fuel.

    Potatoes don't re-spawn so you'll need to go to a new island to find some. I always found them in the centre of the islands, often by the huge rocks/cliffs on the big islands. It's easier to find them at night with a torch.

    Now that you are farming it's a good idea to make a leather flask or clay pot. The leather flask holds 3 water and the clay pot holds 5. Always wear shark repellent when gathering clay as the sound of the pick axe attracts sharks. When I last played the shark repellent lasted about twelve hours. You get 6 chunks of clay from each node but 9 times out of 10 chunk number 4 will shoot off into the distance and can rarely be found.

    The cod fish won't hurt you, but they are great for food as they give two medium meat. Whenever I was gathering clay I would also hunt cod and lion fish.

    You can balance a lantern on top of the smoker or water-still to light-up the area. Also, spear gun arrows are cheaper as they don't require a rock.

  5. Hi from us again.
    At 8:40 you said you were making a fool of yourself but you did well to realise something was off and then you worked out what had happened and that you had crafted from the pile of coconuts. Well done.
    Grats on killing TWO sharks, big win for you! We did notice while you were offloading your stuff, another hammerhead swim past, darn it!
    In regards to the watering of your plants, or yourself, you can make a water bottle that holds 5 units of water each and can be stacked and are found under consumables and made from 2 clay.
    At 57:00 while you are dragging the hammerhead back to shore you swim past 2 clay nodes and again at 58:00 you can see the node to your left. They look like the rocks you can mine on the islands and produce 6 pcs of clay each. You will need to make a clay furnace in order to make the water bottles. The 2 nodes will give you enough for the furnace and a few bottles. 😄 Keep up the good work Radio, we luv ya! 💖💖 ps hope your hols were the best!


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